• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TheGreenChileMonster's 2016 Grow

Well, I finally decided to start a Glog.  I have quite a few plants that ore OW from last year, and some new ones that I started this January.  Here is the list, lots of pics to follow, I'm still in the process of planting out.  Most everything is going into root pouches, and pots, but I do have 9 total rocoto plants in the ground as well.
Aji Amarillo
Aji Arnaucho
Aji Dulce
Aji Limo
Aji Pineapple
Aji Pacay
Aji Omnicolor
Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Fantasy Yellow
Peruvian Red Rocoto
Giant Peruvian Red Rocoto (Miraflores Market)
Rocoto Cusco
Mini Rocoto
Brown Rocoto
Orange Rocoto
Rocoto Peron
Rocoto Montufar
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano
Aji Oro (Rocoto)
Aji Largo (Rocoto)
Rocoto Arequipeno
Guatemalan Red Rocoto
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto
Ecuadorian Red Rocoto
Ecuadorian Sweet Rocoto
Peru Bitdumi
Chocolate Bhutlah
Chocolate Brainstrain
Pipi De Mono
Aribibi Gusano
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Carolina Reaper
Peach Scorpion
Peach Ghost Scorpion
White Fatalli
Bolsa De Dulce
Tepin x Lemon Drop
PDN x Bhut (Ripens Cream)
Coyote Zan White
Red Primo
These two aji Amarillo plants are already starting to put out some peppers. Both are in 10 gallon root pouches.


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I was able to pot up some more plants yesterday, mainly rocoto. We're going to be getting rain for the next 5 days, so I will have to finish the rest next Tuesday.

I also got a chance to bottle some braggot that I'll be drinking on this summer while tending to my chile crop.


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Well, it's been raining for 5 days straight, and doesn't look like it's going to let up any time soon. I was able to snap a few pics of some of my rocoto plants that are doing pretty well, despite not seeing the sun in 5 days, and 55 degree average daily temps. I can't wait for the clouds to finally go away next weekend.


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az1000 said:
Looking good.How old is your Aji Largo ?
Mine just started to flower and is full of buds.
I started it late last year. It was the only aji largo seed to germinate out of like 30, lol! I had it in a 1 gallon container til last week, and it got pretty stocky. It has only seen a half day of sun since being outside, so I don't expect it to start flowering til June. It seems like it is going to be an absolutely massive plant though, that's why I potted into such a big pot.
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
nice lookin grow :clap:
love all the Pubes !
i've got some healthy plants from some of our seed trades last year :D  Thanks again.
I'm glad you got some healthy plants going from those seeds! I'm going quite a few varieties from the seeds you sent me as well, a couple examples:

The PDN x Bhut is such a neat plant. The coloring on it is awesome. This little chocolate brainstrain is already turning into a bush. Some very healthy genetics there.

Thanks again for that seed trade!


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We are getting absolutely hammered with rain right now. It will be interesting to see how well my peppers take it. Only the strong survive!


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Another Virginia grower!  Fantastic.  I'm in South East Virginia!   I got my first batch of plants outside, and I got a new batch of 20+ (5 varieties) getting with their first set of true leaves coming on.    
Glad to see another Virginia grower out there.  Impressive list and grow so far.  I can't wait to see the harvests. 
Vicious Vex said:
Another Virginia grower!  Fantastic.  I'm in South East Virginia!   I got my first batch of plants outside, and I got a new batch of 20+ (5 varieties) getting with their first set of true leaves coming on.    
Glad to see another Virginia grower out there.  Impressive list and grow so far.  I can't wait to see the harvests. 
Definitely glad to see another Virginia grower on the forum for sure! I would imagine that you will probably have a longer growing season than I will by a week or two. NOVA got absolutely drenched last night, at least the flooding wasn't too bad. There are a lot of holes in the leaves of all of my plants, and some leaves are torn off, or in half, but from what I can tell I didn't lose any plants completely. I'll double check this evening when I get off of work. I'm sure they'll bounce right back stronger than ever though. Good luck on your grow there Vicious Vex!