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Oldsalty's Fundraising Auction


Staff Member
Oldsalty's Fundraising Birthday Auction.
As most of you are aware, our good friend Oldsalty has fallen on tough times yet again with health, and other issues.
His run of bad luck is one that just seems to continue week after week, month after month. How can so many bad things happen to such a nice, and "likeable" person?
Well, I can't sit and let this continue to happen, Oldsalty needs some goodluck for a change. So, I would like to hold an Auction for Oldsalty to raise some money to help him with his health, and money issues.
At the end of the auction which will run until July 13th the winner would need to transfer funds before the items would be sent, all proceeds going to Oldsalty. 
If you feel you are able to help add to the list of auction items, please reply here or PM me, and I will edit it into this post.
Members not wanting to bid on any of the auction items can also make a monetary donation, however big or small if they wish. Details to follow. 
This post will be continually updated, so please keep an eye out for updates and added auction items. I welcome all comments regarding any improvements you'd care to suggest.  :P 
Auction items:
Shorerider - Item #01:

- 1x 11oz Bottle of Heatseeker - A Choc 7 Pot sauce, with smokey undertones and a chilli head 'hot' heat level.
- 1x 11oz Bottle of Smoke 'N' Fire - A Sweet tomato sauce/ketchup style sauce, but with a 'medium' heat.
- 1x 11oz Bottle of Rocoto-Loco - A Tangy Rocoto based sauce with all focus being on the Rocoto flavor. (Only 9 bottles were made)
- 40g Tabasco powder 
- 40g Aji Pineapple powder 
- 40g 7 spice rub
- 40g Red Gum smoked Cayenne powder 
 (Postage worldwide is included)
Current highest bid: Tinnie AU$150
Shorerider - Item #02:
- A card containing 30 seed varieties.
Current highest bid:
Hogleg - Item #3:

- Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Black Label 
- Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Brown Label
- Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Orange Label
- Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Green Label
Current highest bid:
Hogleg & LDHS - Item #4:

- Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Black Label 
- Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Black Label 
- Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Brown Label 
(Kindly donated by Scott at LDHS)
- Mezzetta Habanero Hot Sauce
- Yucatan Sunset Picante
(Kindly donated by Hogleg)

- Six LDHS limited edition square tumbler shot glasses. 
- One LDHS Golf ball. 
(Kindly donated by Scott at LDHS)
Current highest bid: AldenMiller US$50
Salsalady item - #5:

- 1/4 oz of (never before released) 12.8mil Pure Evil
-1/2 oz original 1.5mil Pure Evil
- Sample vial of 15.6mil capsaicin powder
- 1/2 oz 12mil pepper extract (also never before released)
Total Value - $150
Current highest bid:
Let's turn Oldsalty's bad luck around. 
Hey SR is this thread just for building the collection for the auction or is the bidding happening in this thread also?
:dance:   You are awesome SR!!! I was thinking of starting some kind of Auction or fundraiser for OS last night myself. Now that you have the ball rolling, I'll go see Scott on Sunday and get some bottles of LDHS to donate to the collection for the auction.
Thanks Hogleg, that sounds great. I will be adding items to the original post above^ and bidding can be submitted here. I'd really prefer the bidding to happen here via a post so that there is no question of ME raising bids by phantom bidding.
I'm also thinking that members could also make a monetary donation, however big or small, instead of bidding on the items above if they wish.

Thanks again,
Tinnie said:
Sorry to hear about Old Saltys recent run of form, the few encounters ive had with him on this site he seems fair dinkum really friendly bloke and props to shoerider for setting this up for him....
Not sure if the auction has actually started yet but id like to put down a bid of $150AU for item #1 please 
Wow Tinnie, that's an awesome gesture and it is very much appreciated. I've updated my OP which clarifies the products included in item #01. 
Student of Spice said:
Damn nice of ya bud, get that donation info set up 
Thanks mate, I'm trying to get a hold of Oldsalty's PayPal account details so payments can be made directly to him. I have contacted him, if I  don't hear back from him soon, I'll need to sort out another option. 
I'll post up some Pure Evil-

1/4 oz of (never before released) 12.8mil Pure Evil
1/2 oz original 1.5mil Pure Evil
sample vial of 15.6mil capsaicin powder
1/2 oz 12mil pepper extract (also never before released)
Value $150
I can ship international~
I'm sorry to hear of OS's continuing troubles.  Here's hoping things turn around in a hurry.