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Silly plants

These are scorpion and reaper branches I cut off plants in November so they could fit in the winter shelter. They all had green pods so I brought them in and stuck them in a pitcher of water so they could sit in the window and ripen. The pods did ripen nicely and since then these sticks have been growing and flowering and making little bitty pods. Now they're even starting to grow some roots.
DWB said:
These are scorpion and reaper branches I cut off plants in November so they could fit in the winter shelter. They all had green pods so I brought them in and stuck them in a pitcher of water so they could sit in the window and ripen. The pods did ripen nicely and since then these sticks have been growing and flowering and making little bitty pods. Now they're even starting to grow some roots.
How often did you change the water?
They sure surprised me. I thought they would die before I ever got the original large pods ripened. I'll plant them as clones in a few weeks.
I change the water once a week or so.
This is really cool to see. Almost exactly what I have been hoping to find somewhere. I figure if I get a plant that produces a lot of really good pods, But i don't have space to OW it, Ill clone it. Seeing as the pieces of the parent plant will produce the same pods? Plus, Using this technique could keep a certain "generation" so to speak going for a very very long time. I am just going on my thoughts so I am hoping I am right. If I am not, Please correct me LOL. I plan on using my aerogarden to "Clone" Unless there is a more efficient cheaper way to do so. I know I can but a cloning machine from the hydro store but they cost an arm and a leg, Maybe your first born too.... Very cool to see.
Here's a better view of my cloning machine and the roots that have grown on these sticks. The way I understand it, planting these will give me duplicates of my plants that are now entering their third season.

Here's another one I did but this was with more of a purpose. This is a clipping off a baby 7 Pot Douglah that grew as a double stem. This one was in a small plastic cup on the windowsill for about a month. I planted it a few days ago and it's doing very well.
I have a few that I clipped out of solo cups, they were very small, only got 4 or 5 to root, but I wasn't going all technical. I used some small pill containers I got from the smoke shop. I'm thinking of building one, use a small tote from Walmart, drill 1' holes in it or something I can hang a basket in, use some hydro medium (like rooting pods) and use that with some epsom salts and water with a bubble stone.
Rather than startin seeds again, I will take my best performers this season and snip a few tips and throw them in the cloner around late Sept or early Oct.
I finally got around to planting some of my silly cuttings I stuck in a pitcher in a kitchen window last November. I thought I had three but once I pulled them out and pulled them apart, I notice I have five and all of them have a ton of roots now.
Check out the tiny ripe pods on these two. One is from my big mama scorpion and the other is from a reaper.