chinense Peach Habanero

I'm growing my first Peach Habanero and the peppers are coming in nicely. I'm trying to figure out how to tell when they're ripe since they don't seem to ever change colors.
Here is a pic of some I harvested a year or two back
Peach hab.jpg

Supposedly similar to orange habanero, but with slightly less heat and slightly more sweetness. I've never eaten them beside each other for a direct comparison, but I am growing both this year. So hopefully I'll know soon! I'm looking forward to it!     :onfire:
Codeman said:
What flavor profile is the peach habanero?
Using the orange hab as a base, and keep in mind that not everybody has the same taste buds.
Along with the peach hab, I also grow chocolate hab and red hab (I was told it's a savina but my chocolate is hotter)

All 3 are sweeter than the orange but the chocolate has a "earthier" taste, the red has a "berry-ish" taste. The peach is harder for me to pin down, almost fruity but not. Definitely has a stronger chinense flavor than the orange.
Other people might taste different profiles but that's what mine taste to me.
I always wanted to compare mine to what other people grow but there's a couple miles of red tape keeping people from sending live produce through the mail to Hawaii backed up by serious penalties to both the sender and recipient.
Here's a picture of a small sample from my harvest today. My Peach Habaneros were set back quite a bit this year and I'm just getting ripe ones now. Since I finally got the opportunity to give it a taste test, I'll update here while it's fresh in my mind.
Now just to clarify, this was a side-to-side comparison with an "heirloom" orange habanero (not store bought or big chain hybrid types). The peach hab had a much simpler taste profile. Barely any citrus notes to speak of and just the typical chinense underlying base flavor. It did seem slightly sweeter than the orange hab and the heat level happened to be about the same (sample size of 1 each of course). Definitely agree with Hawaiianero; there is a flavor, it's just hard to describe.
I personally would still prefer the orange habanero for fresh eating/powder, but I think the peach would be good for a sauce if you were trying to stay away from the citrus or slightly bitter aftertaste. Just to be clear, I'm fine with the flowery/semi-soapy flavor of the orange hab, but I know a lot of others don't like it.
