• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KAOS Glog - 2017

Welcome to the KAOS Glog 2017
I wasn’t going to do one this year, but thought what the hell. Some of my intrepid journey may be of interest to someone or at the very least a bit of entertainment for the Northern Hemisphere Chilliheads.
Since I’m playing a bit of catchup (started in April really) here is a quick summary of proceeding through to today.
NZ Season 2016 was dismal to say the least with a very short cold summer and it didn’t help starting late either.
Apologies for the image heavy first post
Some of 2016’s last pods

I decided 2017 was going to be a different and this would be a challenge against the winter elements.
Bring on the indoor grow brigade – 900mm x 400mm grow cabinet with grow LED


Now unfortunately being the gadget addict that I am I had to start experimenting with lights. The next photo is a humble cayenne that became the lab rat (aka Tarbal) over the next couple of months.
Remember Tarbal for later …
Once I’d proven (to myself anyway) that the LED thing actually worked I decided to soldier on with some actual proper peppers
A selection of Superhots – Ghost/Choc Bhut/Reaper…etc

Back to Tarbal now and roll on some 53 days from previous photo

My grow process is nothing new.
KNO3 for 24hrs
Coffee filter in Jiffy Bag until sprouting – Heatpad and mini greenhouse
Into Rockwool with a dab of soil - Heatpad and mini greenhouse
Wait until liftoff and into pots when first set of leaves are established



This was the start of the true growing period – Upgraded to 1.2m x 1.2m tent

Sideline to the grow this year is the Amarillo Growdown and here are some progress shots



Now the rest of the family as of today









And let’s not forget the first Amarillo pod of the year

To finish off here is the list of peppers for the 2017 season. Nothing spectacular, but a reasonable selection by New Zealand standards I guess.

Aji Amarillo
Aji Cito
Big Bhut
Bonsai Ghost
Chocolate Bhutlah
Chocolate Ghost
Culleys Reaper
Dorset Naga
Long Sweet Pepper
Reaper Ghost X
Reaper TM
Red Borg 9
Trinidad Scorpion

Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoyed the Kaotic start to an experimental season.
Dobondobondo said:
very nice setup Kaos.
What kind of LED lighting do you use (colors and power draw?)
Thanks Chris. Still starting out and hopefully this year will lead to some learnings and en even better grow next year.
It's a generic brand LED with 5 x Bridgelux 300W COB's. Actual power variable from 40W-270W.
Wavelength: Red(620-630nm;650-660nm) / Blue(440-450nm;450-460nm) / Orange(600-610nm) / IR(730nm) / White / UV(395-410nm)
Spectral Ratio: Red 32% / Green 14% / Blue 53% / IRUV 1%
qandeel said:
Thanks Kaos for sharing your glog. Hope you will have a great season. Keep the updates coming please.
Cheers Moh. If the weather play fair this year things should be all sweet.
ThatBlondGuy101 said:

Very nice setup you got there, no wonder that Amarillo is going nuts!

Great stuff getting a glog going, hopefully you can take better care of yours than I have been mine XD

Lookig forward to the future!

Gonna try keep it up TBG and thanks. I think keeping a record (no so much what I did, but more when I did it) will certainly help for next year.
Amarillo has slowed down just a tad, but that probably due to being outside under cover. Lots of wind and rain and tent is too cramped so time for you guys to catch up.
Bring on summer and they all going in the sun.
Small update on additions to the grow.
Jay Peach Scorpion - Tried twice this season and failed. This time straight into soil ...
HJ1 Corona (Space Chilli)
Piquanté Pepper (Peppadew)
Now this would be about the time I would normally start planting seeds, so we will see if the winter start was worth the effort (compared to these)


KAOS said:
Small update on additions to the grow.
Jay Peach Scorpion - Tried twice this season and failed. This time straight into soil ...
HJ1 Corona (Space Chilli)
Piquanté Pepper (Peppadew)
Now this would be about the time I would normally start planting seeds, so we will see if the winter start was worth the effort (compared to these)
Definitly experiment a bit with how you plant your seeds. What's succesful seems to vary widely from grower to grower (Just look at peoples experience with jiffy pellets. Some cant grow anything in em, some get even higher germination rates compared to what they used before)
Dobondobondo said:
Definitly experiment a bit with how you plant your seeds. What's succesful seems to vary widely from grower to grower (Just look at peoples experience with jiffy pellets. Some cant grow anything in em, some get even higher germination rates compared to what they used before)
Hi Chris
I'm in the can't grow squat in jiffy pellets boat for some reason. I think it comes down to watering habits (in my instance anyway) as mine are either too wet and then I overcompensate and they dry out.
This year I've gone pretty much all rockwool and then into soil. Each method has its cons and I've found rockwool is great when the plants are small (act as an anchor) and no issue when they bigger (root system established), but there is a transition period where any top movement of leaves can dislodge the rockwool plug and damage the roots into the soil.
I'll keep playing around and experiment to make less mistakes next year.
NZ has a relatively short season with last frost in Sep and first frost in May.
Summer is also normally very mild with temps normally under 30c
This is why I've gone indoors with a seed start in Jun/Jul to try extend the grow period.
KAOS said:
NZ has a relatively short season with last frost in Sep and first frost in May.
Summer is also normally very mild with temps normally under 30c
This is why I've gone indoors with a seed start in Jun/Jul to try extend the grow period.
Yikes, I think mines shorter than yours! we haven't had a frost since September, but the folks around here say not to plant tomatoes before Melbourne Cup (1st Tuesday of November) because otherwise the frost will get them! This time two years ago we actually got a big dumping of snow, although that is extremely abnormal. Weather starts to turn downhill around ANZAC day for us, its usually always the first day of "winter", with the associated miserable weather.
But anyway, pods! :woohoo:
Plants looking good and happy in their new spot, now they'll start to flourish!
Keep it up, TBG.