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review Warrant Man Pepper Company- "Clearly Guilty" Hot Sauce Review

Thanks guys. The wife is on vacay through the new year so hopefully after I get a little peace and quiet again I'll do another review. Gonna go do a little shopping today and see if I can find any interesting sauces.
"Clearly Guilty"

Oddly enough, I'm getting the strong aroma of garlic and peppers upfront, instead of white vinegar (that I'd expect) from this clear hot sauce right from the bottle. Once poured onto a spoon, that's where the pungent white vinegar (and garlic) smell shows up. Delicious garlicky vinegar tang, followed by the delicious flavor of the chunk of Reaper floating around in the bottle. The flavor is accompanied by a creeping heat that grips the sides of my tongue and burns the lips. Tongue burn fades rather quickly, but lip burn lingers for a quite some time. This is a very tasty sauce that I could easily see using to spice up some bland vegetables (especially greens), alcoholic drinks, or mixed with salad dressing. Simple ingredients list, but a deliciously complex flavor. It'd go very good with anything you'd like to add garlicky, vinegary heat to. Heat level would probably be considered "Very Hot" to a non-chilehead. This is a very unique, fantastic sauce

Thanks again, Reggie!

I've been a big fan of soy sauce, rice vinegar, and sambal oleek as a potsticker dipping sauce. With my sort-of-recent move, I found I had no rice vinegar one night. No worries, just sub in Clearly Guilty in place of the vinegar and the chili sauce. Suffice to say this was quite a bit hotter but really delicious.
jhc said:
I've been a big fan of soy sauce, rice vinegar, and sambal oleek as a potsticker dipping sauce. With my sort-of-recent move, I found I had no rice vinegar one night. No worries, just sub in Clearly Guilty in place of the vinegar and the chili sauce. Suffice to say this was quite a bit hotter but really delicious.
Ever added sesame oil to your potsticker sauce? It's awesome but a little goes a long way so use sparingly.