want to see more pics see glog
Pepper plants 6-12 inches tall, staked for extra wind resistance.
There are 2 different configurations you can pick from, no mix and match this year to speed up packaging times, but plants are bigger!
Flavorful mix - link
2x Lemon drop
a baccatum with a sweet citrusy flavor. medium heat.
2x Habanero paper lantern
a chinense without any floral flavor. very sweet. not like a normal habanero at all! medium heat
(my favorite all around pepper)
2x Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion
a superhot chinense known for its mild flavor. Cool looking and super productive as well!
Superhot mix - link
2x SB7J (scotch bonnet x 7 pot jonah)
a cool looking superhot. very bumpy. has a good scotch bonnet taste.
If you cut laterally can dry them into little pucks, good for a superhot pizza.
2x Reaper
The official hottest. cool tails.
2x BBM
Different heat and flavor than red varieties.
Rich sweet flavor add 2 to a pot of chili is great.
The heat can feel worse than reaper. i feel it in my throat / gut.
10$ + 10$ shipping = 20$
(local pickup 0$ shipping)
Ships mid april, or if you want them asap i can do that
go order some on my website https://juanitospeppers.com/
debit / credit cards accepted
i can do paypal by sending you an invoice, can't currently do it on my website checkout
any special notes just reply to the order confirmation email
any questions / suggestions feel free to post below