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recipe-help Color of Peppers

This is my 1st year growing peppers and started with Bhuts. Plants are growing good and had my 1st harvest recently.

I want to make powder out of those and since I dont have a dehydrator, I thought I would dry the pods in sun.

Problem is, I see that peppers are changing color (more like loosing color) when I try to dry them.

I have cut and harvest seeds from couple of pods and those peppers dried fine (top left)

So question is, is this normal? Or have I committed any rookie mistake?


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The sun may be having a bleaching effect. You can put the pods on a baking sheet and stick them in the oven on low with the door cracked. Ive dried peppers this way before and it works well, but lower temperatures of the dehydrators are supposed to be the best.

I dont think the flavor of the off color pods should be affected but maybe someone with more experience has a different opinion.
The cut pods are probably fine because they dried so much quicker than the whole pods. I wouldn't dry pods whole without a dehydrator, even then I would probably pierce a few holes in them.

I would start cutting them in half before drying. It's what I do with my dehydrator, and I, myself, wouldn't try drying outside with the rediculous humidity we have here.
Thank you. I will tey to buy a dehydrator. For now, i made some slits in the peppers. Looks like they have been cooking inside out :)

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