• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Skullbikers 2019 Healthy Stuff Glog

Follow up for post #18. Because, otherwise it did not happen.
Hoagie bun ✔️, 1/4 lb hotdog ✔️, Cherry Bomb hot sauce ✔️, Cherry Bomb relish ✔️, Radish Microgreens ✔️, & The Diet Dew ✔️.


Butter both sides of the bun with the sauce, then relish on one side and microgreens on the other.


And chow down. The radish microgreens give that dog a whole nother flavor profile.

Okay, another week, another tray of wheatgrass. I started soaking the seeds at noon on Dec. 7 and spread them in the tray this morning.



Now I will go and attemt to harvest my radish microgreens and after that the first tray of wheatgrass even though it may not as tall as it could be.
I first harvested my radish microgreens. I ended up with 182 grams from a 1010 tray, but I had taken some out for sandwiches, etc last week so it likely would have been well over 200gm. I kept some in a small produce bag in the refridgerator and am freezing the remainder to freeze dry.


Then I went after tray #1 of wheatgrass, I clipped 427gm of wheatgrass from that 1020 tray. Then I started cranking the cheap(inexpensive) masticating juicer. And it cranked hard, real hard.


And it puts out the waste in an interesting fashion! But i will say, it removed most of the juice because the tailings were quite dry. When I finished I had recovered 300ml of juice, or about 10 shots/ounces. I ended up with 105gm of waste which is about a fourth of what went in.



Now time for clean up, easy disassembly.


I mixed some with some Diet Dew and guzzeled it down. Not too bad. I think there would be little or no taste of it in a yummy smoothie.


I took the remainder and put it in a silicone mold to freeze into cubes to toss into those yummie smoothies.

I have read several time online where people that were growing microgreens or wheatgrass thought that their seeds were getting moldy. I guess in some cases that may be the case but generally it is just the really fine root hairs.


Here is my third tray yesterday.


Here it is today. Pretty fast growth initially.

Walchit said:
I think mt dew cancels out wheat grass, lol. What else is in your smoothie? Looks good, like a chocolate milkshake
Everyone knows The Dew goes with anything! I have bananas, strawberries, and almond milk, at this point it is pink colored, but now I throw in a couple of cubes of my frozen wheatgrass juice in it and it takes on the chocolate color.
I started soaking a few different microgreen seeds yesterday.


This time around I got some different baskets and trays to grow them.

CaneDog said:
Those all look awesome SB. I wish I could manage to maintain that sort of a set up here and just grab a small handful of each every morning and add it to my blender drink.  Way to get it done!
Thanks. It really does not take much to grow these, you can do as small of tray or whatever you want to use and they do not need special lighting. You can just grow them in a room with good natural light. This is my stockpiling mission to get a bunch frozen, juiced, and freeze dryed before my regular grow season goes full speed ahead.
Harvested another tray of wheatgrass, it was a little taller than the first one and yielded about 50ml more than the last tray, about 350ml total. That is froze into cubes and then I will start putting the surplus cubes in little baggies.



AvidLiving said:
How do you turn them into cubes?

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As in the photo directly above your post, put the wheatgrass juice in the silicone mold and freeze. Then just pull out cube(s) as you need them. Although I am going to freeze dry some as soon as I stockpile enough to fill a tray or two.