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The Not Pepper Awards 2018 WINNERS!

The Hot Pepper

It's the NOT Pepper Awards of 2018!
Here's Your Ten!
Queen Derailer - salsalady (Undefeated)
Weird-Shit-O-Meter - texas blues (The meter broke, we need a new one for next year)
No One Likes A Quitter - JayT (You're The Wiener!!!)
Innuendo Hero - Ashen (Every post needs a penis joke)
Fife for Life - dragonsfire (What CAN'T be made with fife flour???)
Thinks The Status Bar is Facebook - Scoville DeVille
Meme Machine - Guatemalan Insanity Pepper (Words are so 2017)
Best In A Chair In A Garage In A Passed Out State Pic - MikeUSMC (Runner Up for Badminton)
Pepper Poet - WarrantMan (Every cop has a beat)
Should Open A Restaurant (BONUS: Should Open A Bar) - Thegreenchilemonster
All in good fun peeps! If you did not make the 10, try harder this year! Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
