Therapeutic CalMag Dosage

Brain lazy, I could research it, but you guys are too smart not to ask here first.
I had several hooks come up a fairly deep purple that worked too hard to green up, especially Anuums. The true leaves are a nice dark green, but I'm going to fortify my 1 quart mist bottle with some CaMag. I'm thinking for foliar I could get away with 1/2 tsp/quart, but I'd love some input as to whether that may be overkill. I'm also wondering about frequency. My plants are getting misted every day, but they aren't going to like getting hit with that much CalMag every day....are they?
There is also coco coir involved, some containers straight, some mixed with a peat blend.
Seems like a lot to me. I use 1/8 tsp per quart for soil drenching seedlings, but I guess they get a lot more that way than misting, even with a weaker mixture. Have you checked your PH?Purple leaves and stem could be a Phosphorus issue. Can you post a pic or two?
Here is a couple Sante Fe Grandes:
Purple Cotys2.jpg

Purple Cotys1.jpg

I know the true leaves look good, nothing to fix, right? I guess what I'm interested in is a "maintenance mix" for misting, even if it's a trace added, to assist in robust health.
For instance, this: Besides the odd premature decay of the cotyledons on my Antep Aci Dolmas and the odd purple hues on others, this is my one non-Anuum concern, a Gelbe Riesen with some slight rust and discoloration...
Gelbe Riesen 4-5-19.jpg

So I thought it might be useful to have a slightly infused foliar spray for regular (daily) use. The half-teaspoon per quart is likely heavy, this is why I ask. I am a knuckle-dragger at heart....
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I dont see much in the way of cal/mag deficiency, so not sure if that would be helpful...Im a "if it aint broke dont fix it" guy so take it for what its worth. I would say the purple color points to P issue, which still makes me question your PH, but honesrly they look fine man. I would probably wait a bit and see if they grow out of it...
Hey Stetto. I have seen similar things with some of my GR's and GRV's early when they're in small containers. Not every one it seems, but some of them and more often with them than most other varieties.  I move them out of direct light to an edge and they seem to do better until pot-up. My thinking is not just too much light, but that when they're in small containers they don't have much soil to stabilize the conditions around their roots and cooling things down a little and reducing the transpiration rate makes them happier.
My $0.02 on your main question is that's a weekly dose IMO (I might even go slightly more diluted weekly absent Ca or Mg symptoms) and the dark coloration in the cotyledons looks like a light-intensity response.