top heavy carolina reaper

I have this reaper plant that was started over the summer in a qt size pot, by the fall it needed a larger size so I transfered it to a bit of a larger pot but not 5 gal.  The roots were taking up the whole pot when it was moved and I did not disturb them at all so when it got into this bigger pot it grew more on the top, it's now top heavy and falling over, can I trim the top off and not hurt the plant?  I do have 2 other plants which are doing very well indoors so I won't be without a plant.  Any suggestions?
You "can" trim it down to almost any node on the main trunk, as long as it's as healthy as it looks and you're leaving a small number of leaves to keep the plant alive and regenerating.
It is NOT to say that you should, but I have done so for virtually every overwinter I have grown. Yes, I have lost a plant here and there for various reasons, but most survive and thrive: they need less water and care through the winter, and in a lot of cases you'll be amazed at the robust result.
If you were to do that, it's not a bad idea to replant it in fresh soil, wash and consider a trim to the rootball, and don't freak if it goes dormant for a time. My overwinters have never demanded direct sunlight, but good lighting is a must.
Disclaimer: There are guys here WAY better than I at this stuff, they taught me everything I pretend to know..... :party:
I hack mine down to the bottom nodes. No leaves or anything, lol. Leaves fall off by the time I bring them in. I don't want them taking up much room though. It's also good if you have damaged leaves from the weather like I do, since I leave them out there a long time (still outside atm).
A good trick, is to cut it down to a node where you still have good growth going on - but maybe not where you want to really trim to.  After you trim it to the "temporary" node, wait for new terminal buds to appear, let them sprout some real leaves, and then go back for what you would have liked to trim down, in the first place.