food Hot Vodka

Quite a simple recipe actually, but great for parties.

Take a liter of GOOD vodka, open it, don't drink it yet.
Take a teabag, fill it with dried crushed orange habanero flakes.
Fill a teabag (or two) with the flakes and put it in the vodka.
Sit it in the sun for TWO days.
Take it of the sun and put it in a dark place for 3-4 days.
Remove the teabags and enjoy!

Really good stuff for a bloody mary.;)
I said Iceberg, not iceberg. One is a giant chunk of ice, the other is a vodka.

Pity you don't have it there, it's the best vodka on the planet.

I am a hige White Russian fan(ever since I saw The Big Labowski, I was hooked). This would make an awsome Spicey White Russian.
Tina Brooks said:
I said Iceberg, not iceberg. One is a giant chunk of ice, the other is a vodka.

Pity you don't have it there, it's the best vodka on the planet.


Perhaps we don't NEED it here, I prefer the shine coming out of Tennessee.
And your point is? I prefer small batch vodkas like Woodford and Riverbend. To tell you the truth I am an avid beer drinker (which I think you witnessed in Albuquerque), and only drink booze occasionally.
I've never had the opportunity to taste Riverbend. but if you like Woodford, you'd like Iceberg.

It's crisp and it's clean and I think it's going to make a perfect spiced vodka.

I always use a peppered Vodka when making Bloody Mary's. Then along with the other ingredients use plenty of Tabasco, and pure horseradish.:rolleyes:
mikeyinokc said:
I always use a peppered Vodka when making Bloody Mary's. Then along with the other ingredients use plenty of Tabasco, and pure horseradish.:rolleyes:

I never would have thought to put horseradish in a Mary... But then, I don't exactly like horseradish, so it's no small wonder.

Tina Brooks said:
I never would have thought to put horseradish in a Mary...
Basic ingredient down here. said:
Basic ingredient down here.

yep. ain't a good Bloody Mary without the horseraddish the worcester the hot. celery salting the rim is out and the celery stalk seems to have been replaced by the always available olive.
Celery, check, salted rim, check, horseradish... first I've heard of it.

Personally, I'm not a fan of tomato juice, so I'd much rather have a Bloody Caesar.

Ok, maybe a nother shameless plug, but our #3 and #2 have been used quite frequently around here in place of the tomato juice, horseradish and dare I say Tabasco. Basically, put in a tad of Worcestershire sauce, vodka and ice into a glass, pour 3-4 ounces of either the #3 or #2 into it, shake well, and consume. Ahhh, the Defcon Mary....
OH, now that's a bit much... Am I going to have to get a private mail box just so I can get my Chile Pepper magazine first???

Tina Brooks said:
OH, now that's a bit much... Am I going to have to get a private mail box just so I can get my Chile Pepper magazine first???


Nope, you just have to get rid of a postal service that relies on horseback delivery.