• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Got my first plant order today!

I deliver papers to about 300 businesses each week and over time have talked with one guy quite a bit. He was the one who had said he would like to buy some plants since I'm growing them organically.

A couple of weeks ago I was telling him about some early tomatoes and how he can grow them in buckets and have ripe maters by Flag Day. Today, he asked me to bring him a couple next week.

Now the problem is hardening them off. My cold frame isn't complete yet plus the temps are in the 30s now. By Saturday it is suppose to warm to the low to mid 50s and get that high for the following four days. That won't be enough to completely harden them but it should be close. I have a fan blowing on them now and will do that for 30 minutes a day for the next days.

Only 1048 plants to go!
