contest 04-17/18-09 Popper Throwdown

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OK all here are some of my ingredients...drinking coming all evening...


I will be making about 4 or 5 different kinds of poppers

I'm not ready to post pics yet, but I will tell you that the poppers are in the oven. I have three trays full. Jalapenos and habaneros made two ways: Popper #1 is a bacon wrapped BBQ rib and apple with cheddar popper with 7 Pot and Fatalii peppers and a sweet and smoky rub on the bacon. Popper #2 is a Puff pasty wrapped pizza popper with pepperoni, Italian sausage, pizza sauce, thai peppers,fresh basil and mozzarella. I will do my best to get pics on tonight. Now that all the work is done, time for a shot! Good luck to everyone.
Just got home ya'll and already AJ has started if off. Now for a shot, a shower and then into loco gringo mode in the Blues Kitchen.

Cheers ya'll, TB.
Do your worst gentleman!

AJ, looks like you're off to a good start. I see shrimp, crabmeat, and... wait are those snails? Holy hell AJ's making escargot poppers!

Lookin forward to watching the mayhem unfold. Girlfriend came through her wisdom tooth extraction just fine, so barring any disasters at the Mexican market, the mountain man popper extravaganza will be a go tomorrow. Be afraid... Be very afraid...
Just finished plating and final pictures (well at least until I get drunk and do something stupid). I am now tasting. Initial reaction of my own poppers is nearly a tie. If I absolutely had to pick one over the other it would be the puff pastry pizza poppers. I am going to eat a few and then get some pics up here.
Wait...SNAILS??? Holy crap! Love the margarita AJ no need for a bunch of ice just takes away room in the glass for Tequilla.
Heh, had a few PBR's, gotta see if the "special stuff" is thawed out yet...

I only have like 3-4 jalas left, so might make an assortment with those until can get more. Got lots of habs tho...
grinning here gents...was wondering if anyone was going to catch the escargot...

first batch of poppers....cream cheese with crab meat and shrimp...dipped in egg and rolled in flour/corn starch...seasoning in flour is tony chacheres cajun extra spice, voodoo ash, and some white pepper...


poppers prepped and resting for a few minutes...

first batch in the black iron skillet....they smell heavenly...

Ok how do you want them? All at once or a little at a time? HERE COMES THE HAMMER!!!


Sorry no shots of ribs. Already had the fillings made up by this time. Full descriptions to come.
bring it on JayT...

thanks TB

here is a pic of my first batch finished....second batch will be underway in a few minutes...

The first blow has been struck and AJ is lookin' hot, blue and righteous!

My plan is to do it all up tonight and post the pics manana as I can't do it all and the pics at the same time. Hehe..part of my strategery!

Cheers, TB.
I wanted to wait a bit for this, but I might as well post the descriptions and coming out shots not.


This pic does NOT do this beauty justice. This is smoked, bbq'd pork spare rib meat mixed with dried Gala apples, 7-Pot pepper, Fatalii sauce, bbq sauce and cream cheese. It is then topped with sharp cheddar and wrapped in bacon. Finally a pinch of sweet and smoky rub is sprinkled on each one.


Now here is a work of art. A jalapeno stuffed with a mix of pepperoni, Italian sausage, pizza sauce, fresh basil, mozzarella, garlic, thai chile, and finally wrapped in a delicate puff pastry and cooked to a golden brown.
Some of what I'll be using..don't worry, there's more. :D


I gotta wait a bit as I'm outa oil for fryin'....but that shall be remedied shortly.

Very nice JayT..frell..I was gonna make puff pastry fro 'em too...bastid! ;-)
QuadShotz said:
Some of what I'll be using..don't worry, there's more. :D


I gotta wait a bit as I'm outa oil for fryin'....but that shall be remedied shortly.
Uh oh! I see a popper inside a popper strategy!
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