• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Anybody else growing cannabis?

Uncle Eckley

We've had legal homegrow in Virginia since the summer and I've been having a blast. I run a little 36x20x63 tent and have been able to provide a modest abundance for myself and some family. Just switched from a three-plant staggered autoflower cycle with individual reservoirs to one big reservoir so I can run autos or photos.
Anybody else post your rig?

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Bubble hash can be pressed to create very nice rosin. The rosin can then be decarboxylated and used as a 1:1 replacement for any oil in just about any recipe. I wouldn't try to fry with it or anything, lol, but baked goods, or candies, things like that. I just mix reclaim (rosin that's been dabbed, recondensed, and collected) with some coconut oil and put that in empty gelcaps.

You might be able to dab at low temps without irritating your lungs, but I'd try it somehow before I laid out any money for supplies for that.

Plants are looking great! Thinking about training yet?

Thanks for that info, Unc. I started doing CBD oil and THC/CBG gummies lately, only thing that soothes the savage sciatica and blown rotator. First few drops under my tongue made a virtually instant believer out of me. The buzz is not necessarily unwelcome but not the essential goal either.

I have an abundance of product availability here, though the price can b inhibitive. I'm going to look into the rosins, budders, honeys, waxes, etc. and find what suits me to try on my own.

OK, training??:confused::confused::confused: You mean, like topping? Remember I still haven't determined sex yet.
Topping's a way to go. I almost always top once and only once, but then, I've almost always grown autos, too.. With the tent we've got I've always had to do something about the height of everything but the heavily indica-dominant stuff. You'll see! :D

Basically the goal is to get the branches to grow horizontally and the flowers to grow vertically. The plant - especially sativas - will stretch considerably for a good portion of the flowering period; the trick is to stop training when they stop stretching.
This plant's soil was too hot (and I was too lazy to flush it), plus it only got winter sun and a dinky little screw-in grow light, but I'm pleased with how its training turned out. You would do this with a healthy, vigorous (topped) plant's branches rather than the stem as here, but this is a decent illustration. You can really see where the stretch happened, then stopped. It would go on to pack on flower from here if I had done right by it. This was done with stakes and weights. I usually tie branches down to arms I print onto my net pots; lots of folks poke holes in the top edge of their fabric pots. There are also techniques that involve intentionally but carefully damaging branches to flop the tops over. (I've tried this a few times and wasn't impressed.) Anything goes. Feel free to experiment. These plants have been selectively bred for thousands of years - they are incredibly hardy and resilient.
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OK, I see what you're up to. My plants aren't but 4 inches tall at the moment, is there a length to begin the process? I was planning to repot in a Happy Frog/Ocean Forest mix in a 1 gallon pot.

Long enough to work with, but not so woody as to cause anything to break when you pull it into place. With autos I top above the fifth or sixth node. With photos it's just a question of how long you want to grow before flowering.
These are coming along nicely.



I got about four quart jars full of bud plus around two ounces of small stuff and trim I'm dry sifting from the closet plants. Just barely dry so it's pressing green and cakey.

Beans went in the germinator last night for the next round. Landlocked Funk and Northern Lights.
First time pressing dry sift. I think I'll continue doing this - it's really not bad. Way easier than making bubble.



I squished some of the BB last night and got a 20% yield. Very pleased with that.
so this is from the 4 quart jars? Do you make bubble (when you don't sift) the old fashioned way or with a washing machine? im trying to justify the machine cost versus dry sift.
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so this is from the 4 quart jars? Do you make bubble (when you don't sift) the old fashioned way or with a washing machine? im trying to justify the machine cost versus dry sift.

This is just the trim and small stuff from those two plants. Four quart jars was manicured bud for cure. I'm getting 20% yield from the flower, so no telling what it would look like if I'd run the whole harvest. I imagine it'd be quite a heap - by my standards, anyway.

I would buy a machine for bubble. Bending over those buckets with a drill is murder. I really can't tell any difference between dry sift press and bubble press. I prefer flower press to either, maybe just because I'm used to it.
This is just the trim and small stuff from those two plants. Four quart jars was manicured bud for cure. I'm getting 20% yield from the flower, so no telling what it would look like if I'd run the whole harvest. I imagine it'd be quite a heap - by my standards, anyway.

I would buy a machine for bubble. Bending over those buckets with a drill is murder. I really can't tell any difference between dry sift press and bubble press. I prefer flower press to either, maybe just because I'm used to it.
Yeah thats my thinking. No need to stress my back anymore than I have too! How do you like the BB in relation to other hybrids? I am more of an indica person but find myself wanting more 50/50 as I tend to lose motivation after a session!
Yeah thats my thinking. No need to stress my back anymore than I have too! How do you like the BB in relation to other hybrids? I am more of an indica person but find myself wanting more 50/50 as I tend to lose motivation after a session!

I'm an indica guy, too. Insomniac.

BB's nice. Good and strong. This round's strawberry flavor isn't nearly as pronounced as last time, but still delicious. Funny to hear you say that; I've been enjoying the sativa side more than I used to myself lately. Are you 40ish?
I'm an indica guy, too. Insomniac.

BB's nice. Good and strong. This round's strawberry flavor isn't nearly as pronounced as last time, but still delicious. Funny to hear you say that; I've been enjoying the sativa side more than I used to myself lately. Are you 40ish?
51! can still hang with the young bucks in many ways than one but yeah I like to chill after a hard days work with an indica but I tend to lose focus quickly. The 50/50 splits are nice for the weekend play and helps keep me on task.
The CBD Critical Mass is great for the Insomnia that I have :)

I've got a Critical Widow sprouted for outdoors this season! :D

Edit: BTW, I've mentioned a certain bean outlet I've used to few people. I'm going to have to withdraw that recommendation. DM for details if interested.
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Screen training failed. Well, it worked fine, but I ran out of area and had to stop training the GSC. The other plant was fine. This is the trouble with growing two different varieties side by side in the same reservoir. No way I could separate them; their roots are hopelessly interwoven. So now I've got to decide what to do with the flush: PC is ripening, but GSC still has weeks to go. I'll probably flush for a couple days, chop the PC, then go back to nutes for the GSC's last few weeks.

I removed the screen and moved them into the closet so GSC could continue with more headroom.

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Not legal in Ohio yet, we are ass backward state. And as far as peppers none of the seeds have sprouted yet, got a late start this year.

Oh, I was trying to ask about @stettoman's cannabis starts.

Ohio's not all bad. Yours was one of the first states to decriminalize - way back in the 70s, I think. Which end of the shore on you on? Michigan's cool..
Hey Stettoman, Can you share what products you're using for back pain? I have severe back pain and need some relief. Thanks in advance!

Well, the CBD is calming, but doesn't do much for the sciatica. CBG, on the other hand, virtually eliminates the intense toothache from my right hind quarter and down. So far I've seen no CBG products here in CO without an equal amount of THC blended in. Maybe it's an unavoidable consequence, but I haven't asked. What little I've read says that the benefits of CBG are still being researched, but so far I'm sold on it and don't require a damned gub'mint med card to get it. The most potent I've found so far is the 10mg/10mg gummies. I generally get relief from a third or half of those.

Also, how are your plants doing?

So far so good, Unc.


I topped them but haven't had the time to devote to replanting or "training". And I STILL got no clue as to sex. For all I know they're all eunuchs.

It's pretty amazing how fragrant these little units are, in a tent, in a closed up bedroom, a floor and a half below our bedroom, and I can smell that unmistakable skunk aroma.

It's a fairly normal smell in this town...
Well, the CBD is calming, but doesn't do much for the sciatica. CBG, on the other hand, virtually eliminates the intense toothache from my right hind quarter and down. So far I've seen no CBG products here in CO without an equal amount of THC blended in. Maybe it's an unavoidable consequence, but I haven't asked. What little I've read says that the benefits of CBG are still being researched, but so far I'm sold on it and don't require a damned gub'mint med card to get it. The most potent I've found so far is the 10mg/10mg gummies. I generally get relief from a third or half of those.

So far so good, Unc.


I topped them but haven't had the time to devote to replanting or "training". And I STILL got no clue as to sex. For all I know they're all eunuchs.

It's pretty amazing how fragrant these little units are, in a tent, in a closed up bedroom, a floor and a half below our bedroom, and I can smell that unmistakable skunk aroma.

It's a fairly normal smell in this town...

Looks like they've et up all their nitrogen already - yellowing at the bottom. I dunno what about the droopiness. I'd pot them up. Tops look nice and vigorous.

Oh yeah, stinky! Just wait until they flower!