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misc when do you think we will be able to start moving plants out doors?

Hello all, I live in Oregon (Beaverton area) Grow Zone 8b. I keep getting different Last frost Dates, and I usually go by Soil temp. But the question is, When do you think I will be able to move my babies outdoors? They are getting very big.. lol I was Thinking around 4/15 Depending on the soil temp... but would love to hear from other locals in the area and their plans and thoughts.
Hi, Im close down in Lebanon. I wouldnt be in a rush this year. It been unusually cold. You really wont get any advantage by putting them out early if the ground temp is below 50f. I'm looking at May for my plants but they are still on the small side. Past experience has shown that my plants put out later when day temps are in the 70s do the best.
Hi, Im close down in Lebanon. I wouldnt be in a rush this year. It been unusually cold. You really wont get any advantage by putting them out early if the ground temp is below 50f. I'm looking at May for my plants but they are still on the small side. Past experience has shown that my plants put out later when day temps are in the 70s do the best.
I usually wait till the Ground temp is in the 50's ... im just trying to get ideas if people put them out earlier how they go about doing it.
Patience and vigilance are the watch words here - I won't be planting out until May when we have our last frost.
Although when I lived in Wales, we had snow in June.
Yea, I usually wait till ground temps are in the 50s just looking for ways to make room lol
I'm in Wendell/Knightdale area of North Carolina and I find that putting my plants out anywhere before April 15 is taking a gamble. When you are in the gambling mood or you have simply way more plants sown than you care to grow to maturity you can of course plant a few earlier and then if the frost kills them you have your backup plants ready to go.
You could pick up one of those portable greenhouse kits from Bimart. I used one for years and it will help with the space and get them outside.
I will have to look into this... I just have a lot of plants i would like to move some out to start giving them a chance to get used to weather.
I'm in Wendell/Knightdale area of North Carolina and I find that putting my plants out anywhere before April 15 is taking a gamble. When you are in the gambling mood or you have simply way more plants sown than you care to grow to maturity you can of course plant a few earlier and then if the frost kills them you have your backup plants ready to go.
I have lots of starts... and i have time ... just looking to see what everyone else does... or if they test the gambit.
I'm in Wendell/Knightdale area of North Carolina and I find that putting my plants out anywhere before April 15 is taking a gamble. When you are in the gambling mood or you have simply way more plants sown than you care to grow to maturity you can of course plant a few earlier and then if the frost kills them you have your backup plants ready to go.
We're probably good this year to plant out early (Franklin co. here) but yeah, no sense in taking chances. I don't think 2 weeks would make much difference overall.
When you see the ants and lizards come out that is usually a good indicator that plants can come out. When I see the first ants, the winds die down a bit and it's time to rip miles on the bicycle.

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Hey Jgundo.

Just to add my $0.02, the only Big 5 pepper I'm likely to put out 24/7 in April is a decent sized Rocoto. After that my general target order is Baccatum and Annuum during the 2nd week of May and Chinense and Frutescens perhaps during the 4th week or toward the end of May. Some peppers with each species are exceptions and I'll always take into account what the weather's done recently (soil temp's and conditions) and is expected to do after.

I'm not concerned with kill-off during May, but with putting the plants into too-cold soil or weather conditions that can shock them into a slump and materially delay their growth. I want to keep them moving forward as uninterrupted as possible and hardening them off also figures into this.