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chinense Fatalii gourmet jigsaw worth giving greenhouse space ?

Hi Guy's

Is this variety worth giving my precious greenhouse space too ?? It seems to have been around for a while now but searches only seem to bring up videos etc from 8 or 9 years ago ??

I got seed directly from Fatalii end of last year and now have seedlings............how stable are they now I'm assuming they must be F7 or F8 by now ??

People mention unusual after taste ?? Good or bad thing ?? I'm a fan of Naga............

And I've seen mention of instability in "type" but like I said alot of information seems a good few year old ??

Anyone currently growing it or even fans of it as a variety I'd love to hear your views

Stephen πŸ€”
Hi Guy's

I'm a little surprised no-one has chimed in with views, opinions or experience of this alleged "super- duper hot " πŸ€” :think::D

Anyway mines coming along just potted up to a 5 litre pot as I've far ,far too many plants this year .........:whistle:

Plan is to grow every thing in 5 litre pot max to reduce the size and keep them all manageable.


Here's my Fatalii gourmet jigsaw............"ain't it preedy" :halo:

Stephen p.s Hopefully I'll find out if it's worth the space..........
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It was bred to contend for the world record, but wound up as an also ran. I suppose it just didn’t have enough else going for it to gain a following. Those driven by heat moved on to the β€œofficial” hottest or the latest extreme crosses, neither of which Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw is anymore.

Edit: not to decry your grow! Maybe you’ll provide good tasting notes and create a new wave of interest. πŸ‘
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Hi Guy's

My Fatalii gourmet jigsaw like my Bengal Naga got there growing tip damaged by green fly ! 🀬

My Bengal Naga has finally got going but very late but better late than never !

My Fatalii too was set back and I decided to convert it to Kratky in an effort to maximize it..............

It's not a big plant due to greenfly attack and adjusting to Kratky but its finally podding up 😎 lovely looking pod's. Has a very Naga look to the pod's hopefully good flavour and top heat 🀞

I've 2020 Gourmet fatalii jigsaw black seeds. Every year I think about grow it to taste it, but then a more attractive pepper always appears. I guess I think the same as @thoroughburro says... "there are a lot of super hot ones in the game, and a lot of them are famous for their taste too."

I'd like to know your opinion on the taste and heat of your Jigsaw, I'm really intrigued to know.

PS: Bengal Naga is a good pepper. I usually grow the Bengal Naga Peach variety, in my opinion one of the best tasting peppers I have ever tried, almost like eating a guava that came out of a volcano hahaha

Firstly your spot on the Bengle Naga πŸ‘ it's one of my favourites too prolific, good sized pod's and very aromatic with a respectable heat. I've only grown the one I got from seaspring seeds.

Re my Fatalii gourmet jigsaw (daft name) mine are still on the plant ripening.........

I have to be fair to it the plant was attacked by aphids who destroyed it growing tip along with my Bengle Naga and it set back both plants badly.

My Bengle Naga is normally pretty early but this year its not done well and has been very slow so maybe the Jigsaw would have been earlier ??

Also I transferred it quite late to a small kratky set up in an effort to speed things up but as I've discovered it just make the plant go wild producing branches and leaves and flower's..............

My jigsaw didn't really get a fair trial this year it now has ripe and ripening pod's which I'm just leaving to ripen up as much as possible i shall save seed from the best pod's but to be fair they are all almost identical in shape and very Naga like..........


My 2023 Fatalii gourmet jigsaw pod's are like peas in a pod very consistent in shape the seed I got straight from Fataliis website last year.

I don't feel I can judge the variety from this one plant that got off to a bad start ......my fault........

I will post a pic when I harvest and give you my thoughts ........

I'm sorry to read that aphids thwarted plant growth and your expectations.
Fighting pests is part of the game, but at times it is frustrating and tiring.
This year, in particular, I have also had to fight more than necessary with aphids, ants, thrips and whiteflies. The climate is warming and this benefits the insects, damn it!

Your pods look appetizing.

Doesn't it happen to you that if you leave the pods on the plant for too long, the seeds become dark in color and look sick?

I'm looking forward to your taste and heat impressions of the Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw (yes, it's an absurd name... disastrous marketing strategy).

PS: Right now I have Bengal Naga Peach growing, I plan to collect pods in december, if you want seeds remind me by private message.
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Hi Guy's

I've added the Fatallii gourmet jigsaw (still stupid name πŸ™„) to my 2024 superhot trial as last years 2023 plant didn't get a few crack of the whip ! Due to aphid attack then me "Kratkyifying" it proved counter productive 😞

The few pod's I managed to harvest have now been used in various dishes..........me like πŸ˜‹πŸ₯΅πŸ˜Ž it's certainly hot !! Much hotter than my Dorset naga flavour is Naga plus.......πŸ€”

I didn't use self saved seeds from my 2023 pod's as they were not as "gnarly" as I've seen.....so i sowed the few remaining seeds I had left from Mr Fatallii himself......... got one plant. I have saved seed from my 2023 Fatallii gourmet jigsaw seeds too.


My 2024 Fatallii gourmet jigsaw (πŸ™„ :banghead: stupid fecking name ! ) for a good chilli pepper which is extremely hot tastes very nice and has alot of potential.

I'm going to keep it in a 5 litre pot of soil as I am with all my trial superhot varieties as it makes em flower quicker and let's me fit more varieties in 😎 Mr Fatallii himself lists the variety on his website as a "challenge 2" whilst the Hurt Berry as challenge 1 😳 Nice too see some humility................

Whilst other in my 2024 superhot trial are bigger 7 pot primo, Devil's nagabrains, 7 pot Barrackpore, 7 pot brainstrain yellow, Death spiral, Trinidad moruga scorpion, Primotalii...........I still feel the "Jigsaw " ( can't bring myself to ue its full title) πŸ˜™ has potential πŸ‘ we shall see in 2024


Ps anybody else playing with this variety ?
Hi Guy's

I've added the Fatallii gourmet jigsaw (still stupid name πŸ™„) to my 2024 superhot trial as last years 2023 plant didn't get a few crack of the whip ! Due to aphid attack then me "Kratkyifying" it proved counter productive 😞

The few pod's I managed to harvest have now been used in various dishes..........me like πŸ˜‹πŸ₯΅πŸ˜Ž it's certainly hot !! Much hotter than my Dorset naga flavour is Naga plus.......πŸ€”

I didn't use self saved seeds from my 2023 pod's as they were not as "gnarly" as I've seen.....so i sowed the few remaining seeds I had left from Mr Fatallii himself......... got one plant. I have saved seed from my 2023 Fatallii gourmet jigsaw seeds too.


My 2024 Fatallii gourmet jigsaw (πŸ™„ :banghead: stupid fecking name ! ) for a good chilli pepper which is extremely hot tastes very nice and has alot of potential.

I'm going to keep it in a 5 litre pot of soil as I am with all my trial superhot varieties as it makes em flower quicker and let's me fit more varieties in 😎 Mr Fatallii himself lists the variety on his website as a "challenge 2" whilst the Hurt Berry as challenge 1 😳 Nice too see some humility................

Whilst other in my 2024 superhot trial are bigger 7 pot primo, Devil's nagabrains, 7 pot Barrackpore, 7 pot brainstrain yellow, Death spiral, Trinidad moruga scorpion, Primotalii...........I still feel the "Jigsaw " ( can't bring myself to ue its full title) πŸ˜™ has potential πŸ‘ we shall see in 2024


Ps anybody else playing with this variety ?
Have not grown the Jigsaw since 2016, but it was the largest plant I ever grew. It topped out at 80 inches, and was about 6 feet wide. I probably got 300 plus pods from that plant. As I recall, they were very hot (around the level of some Bhuts) and had a slightly fruity taste.