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ButchT Scorpion Sauce

I was drying some ButchT scorps today and decided to make a sauce with some of them.....

Ingredients so far

ButchT Scorps
Vidalia Onion
Agave Nectar
Sea Salt
White Vinegar

Heres the evilness of the ground up ButchT's , I only used a teaspoon of the ground scorps and the sauce is F%^$#@! Hot as hell

Heres the sauce as it starting to simmer

Gonna let it simmer for awhile and then give another taste test to see where its at flavor wise, then I will make adjustments, I will post the updates.
Are you starting with dried scorps?

Very interesting!

semi-dry, about half way thru the drying process when I decided to make some sauce lol, so I pulled them out of the dehydraytor, they were still pretty soft.
decided to try something different this time instead of grinding up fresh pods , I made the pineapple guava sauce first then started adding the heat to it with the scorps
UPDATE, I just tasted it tastes very good so far but was missing something, I decided to add some smoked bhuts, I think the smokiness and the pineapple will work well together, the flavors are starting meld pretty good, the heat is a nice good burn at this point, may decide to throw some fresh harold st barts in there as well.
It's still early....you might get away with simmering it down....cooling it....re-blending.....straining.....re-heating....and bottling. Based on the ingredients, you're gonna end up with a killer sauce!

Ok ended up adding some fresh nagas and 1 fresh scorp and a pinch of brown sugar and another splash of vinegar to the sauce, now its getting there, that smokiness from the smoked bhuts is awesome, this stuff is screamin hot but tons of flavor, I think its gonna be worth making again,
the color and consistency has changed a bit from the first post, so I will take some new pics after its done simmering before I let it cooldown
Ok so after a few hours simmer and cook down with adjustments made as noted above, heres what the sauce currently looks like, (the consistency is kinda like a runny apple sauce at the moment) but it taste freakin amazing.
Gonna let it cooldown and then blend it again to smooth it out some more


Nice, I grew up in Bridesburg, on Melrose St. not far from the Betsy Ross myself :)

Then we are familiar with the same area...just across 95 in the shadow of the Betsy for me. :dance:

Allied is Sunoco and they are closing and Rohm Haas stays open to avoid cleaning up all those acres :hell:

The old... she said kiss me where it stinks! So I drove here to Bridesburg... no longer applies :rofl:
:cheers: cheers bro! good to meet someone from the old neighborhood
Im sure you must be familar with Dydak Real Estate? thats my cousins family business, I dont talk to that side of the fam much since my Dad passed they are kind of a-holes lol but I know their signs used to be all over the area.

Mo tried to send a pm and your box is full!