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Pumpkin base

I am currently experimenting with a pumpkin based sauce. I am wondering if the sauce should be a sweet sauce (like pumpkin pie) or should I go more for a tangy sauce? I made a small batch, mixing pumpkin puree with a little Frank's Red Hot. The pumpkin flavor was really drowned out by the Frank's. I am thinking about using a flavored balsamic vinegar and some cayenne mash. Anyone have any thoughts?
Personally,while others may have...I haven't tried using pumpkin in a hot sauce (as of yet anyway).
However,I have used it as a thickening agent in chili, and found that it works quite well for that purpose.
Since it has so little flavor on its own, other spices easily dominate.

I'm gonna be in Saginaw TX next week ... planning to grab a cold six pack of Shiner Bock to toast the arrival of our first grandchild.
I don't think I would use balsamic vinegar, I use it all the time in salads and it would certainly over power the pumpkin flavour.
Perhaps moving to apple cider vinegar or even try a rice vinegar may improve the pumpkin holding essence; there are several styles of rice vinegar even a sweet version.
I don't think I would use balsamic vinegar, I use it all the time in salads and it would certainly over power the pumpkin flavour.
Perhaps moving to apple cider vinegar or even try a rice vinegar may improve the pumpkin holding essence; there are several styles of rice vinegar even a sweet version.
Great idea on the rice vinegar!!! Thanks
Personally,while others may have...I haven't tried using pumpkin in a hot sauce (as of yet anyway).
However,I have used it as a thickening agent in chili, and found that it works quite well for that purpose.
Since it has so little flavor on its own, other spices easily dominate.

I'm gonna be in Saginaw TX next week ... planning to grab a cold six pack of Shiner Bock to toast the arrival of our first grandchild.

Enjoy that Shiner! It's one of my favorites, especially the Shiner Smokehouse.
My two cents (which is about all it's worth!) is that everyone and their mother does sweet with pumpkin - pumpkin pie, pumpkin rolls, etc. It is good that way, but it is also good savory. I personally would want to veer away from "normal" to find something outstanding.
Flavor Bible? Sounds interesting - what's in a flavor bible?

The Flavor Bible is a book that tells you all different kinds of flavor affinities one ingredient has with another.

Here's a link to it. If you can't click on it, just copy and paste it.
I have actually made a pumpkin based sauce before. I went with the sweet because just think, the most popular pumpkin dish is pumpkin pie. I did not use pumpkin puree because we have pumpkins in season now. I took them and cut and seeded them. I tossed them with oil, brown sugar, cinnamon and garam masala then i roasted them in the oven til they were nice and carmelly.And then I just went with flavors from the fall. Apple Cider goes well. Cinnamon,Clove,Nutmeg. My heat came from some chocolate habaneros which helped out nicely.
Try it! It turns out nice. :dance:
Nice thread. I am fermenting a sauce now made from choc habs, seedless orange, a bit of tomato and some mint, with two spoons of sugar.
I started it with sourdough hooch. It tasted good pre ferment so I'll have to wait to see how it comes out. It did taste sweet but with a citrus tone over the pumpkin.