fertilizer What's the best fertilizer for peppers

Does anyone know wat to use on peppers for maximum fruit production? I've always used matchtips for sulfur when I plant and 3 tbl spoons of Epsom salts dissolved in water twice during the season. Once when the flowered appear and again when fruit Is established. Anyon have any pepper tea recipes?
Does anyone know wat to use on peppers for maximum fruit production? I've always used matchtips for sulfur when I plant and 3 tbl spoons of Epsom salts dissolved in water twice during the season. Once when the flowered appear and again when fruit Is established. Anyon have any pepper tea recipes?
Personally I use miracle grow with some epsom salt. Are you posting from a phone?
I used Bat guano last season and Miracle grow the season prior. Dunno what I'm going to try this season but if anyone knows of something that'll bring out the natural flavors of a pepper, let me know!
I've used Miracle grow for many years either farming or gardening. But fish emulsion has a long history of plant production so should not be overlooked. A fellow gardener of mine last year used bat shit and beat me on size and production with the same seeds. Google up either bat shit or fish emulsion and you'll get plenty of shit to look through :)
Last year I used MG Bloom Booster and Epsom salt. This year I have a small worm farm started, so I will use worm tea and Epsom.
I do a lot of MY posting from my Droid Incredible now. :)
Biobizz organic line is very good, also take in consideration what the plants needs at diferent grow stages,like root development, flowering, fruit set and fruit production, they will always use the NPK + micro nutrients, but at the diferent grow stages is going to demand for one element more then others...
TomatoTone has everything peppers need to grow. If you look at the ingredients list on it, it contains pretty much everything that people talk about on these boards for pepper feeding - kind of an all-in-1 solution.

I use only TomatoTone and Neptune's Harvest fish+seaweed. The latter is great on other vegetables and greens, too.
This reminds me of the old debate (Whats the best oil for a Harley)

You'll get 10 different answers from 10 different people.

Me, peronally, i been using MG ferts and also use egg shells and plant food pellets scattered on top. Works for me.

Manure and compost material is great too if ya till it in to the soil before planting as well, or a good manure tea soaking in a large container is a good direct dose when watering.

Happy Growing

Rabbit manure is the absolute best fertilizer I've ever used. You have to try it to believe it. The only drawback of it is you have to keep a pair of hedge trimmers handy for when your plants start getting out of control.

I never use the same fertilizer. Feel free to correct my logic here, but i find that gardens get used to the same one. I have a few different ones that I alternate with every few weeks.

Triple Boost
Yates Seaweed
Aquasol and a bit of sulfate of potash
Miracle Grow Tomato Boost

And a few handfuls of dynamic lifter pelets every now and then scattered over the bed.

Hardly any yellow leaves - all a nice deep green colour.