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Little Twerp Gets OWNED!

Sorry people the vids been pulled from youtube. However try this link!

Yup i hate bullying, can ruin whole lives. The little $hit that got slammed maybe learned a good lesson, in the real world people can have a somewhat more violent approach towards that kind of behaviour! :flamethrower:
Apparently the bullied kid got suspended for fighting while the little bully got nothing. Lets see how this plays out.
I heard that they both got suspended from school for four days, either way the little runt wont be picking on that kid anymore lol
I heard this a.m. the bully got 21 days suspended and the fat kid got 4 for fighting back -
In my sons high school the police would have been brought in and one would have been arrested then possibly expelled for a few months - Zero tolerance now-a-days
Well, Redtail, I did laugh. Serves him right, number one for hitting someone who was not willing to fight, and number two, for picking someone more than twice his size.
his protoplasm won't be in the gene pool long...

hey...that needs to be a Darwin award nominee for 2011
Yeah i just read on the news this morning that his family felt "victimised" because of the video being posted on youtube! Stupid people like that will never learn.

It's still on the web though, if you search around you may be able to find it on other hosts.
Footage should be able to be found here...

We clicked on this thread this morning to show the Young One, and video was pulled from youtube. Honey found it on another site. VERY TIMELY video.

We've taught and believed that you walk away every time you can, but at some time, you might have to stand up and fight back.

Our school district has the Zero-Tolerance policy, but they take it to the next level.... they are teaching the children to run away if at all possible and to find an Adult to take care of the situation. The only reason to ever fight back is if the child is cornered and there is nowhere to run away to and no one else to help. Then it is OK for the child to fight back.

(hypothetical scenario here) so the Bully gets smart about where and when he targets the kid, (not even including the online venues for such things now-a-days----)
what is the kid supposed to do when he encounters the bully at the community park? Who's going to protect the kid from the bully then? Where is the kid supposed to "run" to?

Hmmmmm, don't teach discretion, compassion, strength and wisdom- teach run away and let someone else handle the problem!

Whatever happened to putting a bully in his/her place?
I suppose a lot of the attitude of the present school districts are so focused on keeping the children safe with all the new threats that used to be not an issue.

It used to be, if there was a beef between kids, something would happen, someone would get punched or a fist fight would occur,...a couple black eyes, bloody nose... off you go! Issue done. It ain't that way anymore. Now, if there's a beef between kids, there is a real chance some kid pulls a knife or a gun.
The only reason to ever fight back is if the child is cornered and there is nowhere to run away to and no one else to help. Then it is OK for the child to fight back.

Exactly what i was taught as a kid and i feared my father enough to abide by that rule!
I've floored plenty of little bastards like that when I was a chunky kid. One time, one of their dads saw the whole thing and approached me. I was shi%%ing bricks until he congatulated me and said that his son deserved it and I should do the same thing if he ever tries it again. That's good parenting in my opinion.

P.S. The dad is now my family doctor.

True story