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video AJs Backyard Pepper Porn Video 06-13-11


Extreme Member
Looking back at the past years, I have not posted a video this early...I think I usually start in July or so...

Anyway, here is a little 8 minute tour of my back yard starting, as usual, "lookin' out my back door"

Questions/Comments very welcome...

AJ that is just awesome dude! How many plants do you have in total?
The plants and set up is incredible.
gread video :)
HEY!! when did you start growing that pool :lol: dont remember that when you were putting the wall up.

Do you have holes drilled into the pvc or did you put emitters in? and do you have a resevoir to fertilize with or do you use the granular time release on top ?

Like how you got Roscoe to help water at 2:25 ;)
Great job as always AJ :cool:
thanks all...

How many plants do you have in total?

40 Brain Strain 7 Pot
40 Trinidad Congo
20 Bhut Jolokia
20 Foodarama Scotch Bonnet
30 Cayenne
34 Scorpions
22 Red Savina
18 Fatalii
12 Billy Biker
4 Wild Waco Tepins
1 Hot Banana
4 Hatch
4 Super Chili
1 Cascabel
2 Anaheim
2 Mariachi Hybrid
2 Rocoto
4 White Bullet Habanero

about 256 + a few more still to be potted up...so I will have somewhere around 270 total...

HEY!! when did you start growing that pool :lol: dont remember that when you were putting the wall up.

Do you have holes drilled into the pvc or did you put emitters in? and do you have a resevoir to fertilize with or do you use the granular time release on top ?

that thing (the pool) just up and appeared the last of June last year...that pool, my friend is why the wife lets me do with the back yard what I want...if you keep your wife happy, all is well...like the old sayin'..."If mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"...

I started with just drilled holes LD but soon found out there was a huge discrepancy of flow from the first to the last emitter on a line so I drilled some other holes, tapped them with a 10/32 tap and screwed in rainbird 1 GPH drippers...(XB-10PC-1032)


I use an "EZ-Flow" 3 gallon injector at my homemade manifold for all the different sections...

Awesome! Looks like everything is going really good.... Hard to believe how big everything has gotten in that raised bed from a few weeks ago. Have you noticed any of your little mantis still hanging around?

Seems like your 1st year plants have a lot of catching up to do compared to the overwintered Scorpions. Can't wait to see how those 15 plants produce for you this year AJ.
AJ your backyard looks alot different than when I came to see you. You have done alot of work and it shows. Great Job!!

thank again all..

Have you noticed any of your little mantis still hanging around?

Haven't seen any, but I am sure some are still hangin around...

I sure hope all my plants make it thru this summers heat...I am predicting a record setting hot summer down here...my 100 degree temperatures hit before June got here and that is about 3 weeks early...has been at least 100 for the whole month of June so far...was 105.2 this afternoon...
Ya the heat has picked up pretty early this year. I think with all the shade cloth you have out this year things should hold up. Thankfully I have a fence line that only gets the morning and early afternoon sun and goes to shade the rest of the day. If all else fails, I can atleast enjoy Doughlah, Nagabon and some Aji Crystal that are inside in hydro.

I still see a few of the mantis I released running around on the peppers, but I think the damn mockingbirds picked most of them off haha. I keep see them hopping around all my plants.

Mantids will also cannibalize. They claim a really large territory for an insect and they will kill eachother over it. More than likely you will end up with a select few that choose your garden as home. I used to find huge mantids and keep them inside my ranch house growing up, they would live on the blinds and houseplants and such for weeks and become domesticated. Absolutely amazing bugs, they really seem to have intelligence that other insects lack, but it could just be the eyes.
Looking good there, AJ!

hehe, i saw the video before you posted it up on THP.

Those overwintered scorpion are killin' it. Huge difference between overwintered plants and seed starts.
so, i woke up tired this morning, stayed up to watch Jason & the argonauts...late, real late for me(and i kind of nipped on some brandy). in the morning, got the girls ready for school, water everything outside, then took a half hour nap. didn't think anything could get any better today after the nap. but this was 8:13 minutes of bliss! what an inspiration for next year for me - gave me some new ideas.

great job A/J!