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Close. Call.

Opened up the underground housed water faucet, barehanded, and this lady was riiiight where my hand was

Can't get a better shot, but this is what it is


I remember one of you crazies saying you had a pet one. Sorry I just poured rubbing alcohol on her! She rolled over, and there under her was a nice big red hour glass. Little nervous about watering the plants now! Think I'll wear gloves next time.
Don't get too scared or nervous OK? It is a widow but she's not out to get you. I'm sure given the chance she would have hightailed it out of there as opposed to biting and wrapping you in webbing for a late night snack. I do understand your reaction though.

Here's some great info on Black Widow bites. http://www.desertusa.com/july97/black_widow_spider_bite.html
My kids caught one and brought it home lol.
"Dad whats this" lol
We had just recently caught a little bark scorpion so we put them in a jar together.
Scorpion won!
Don't get too scared or nervous OK? It is a widow but she's not out to get you. I'm sure given the chance she would have hightailed it out of there as opposed to biting and wrapping you in webbing for a late night snack. I do understand your reaction though.

Here's some great info on Black Widow bites. http://www.desertusa.com/july97/black_widow_spider_bite.html

I know she's not out to get me, but when I basically shake hands with one I get a little nervous haha. Thanks for the link! Good info there, I'll just calmly go spray the hell out of the faucet well now with bug spray haha.
My kids caught one and brought it home lol.
"Dad whats this" lol
We had just recently caught a little bark scorpion so we put them in a jar together.
Scorpion won!

Oh boy the scorpion killed the spider! Some folks don't consider that funny or entertaining.
Reminds me how a brown recluse has taken up residence in our herbs next to our house... as I discovered one morning when I went picking and it crawled onto my hand. I remember being amused at the time, though my housemate was less enthusiastic when I showed her. :rofl:

I've dealt with venomous spiders before, ironically much more frequently when I worked part time in a produce department. All sorts of crazy bugs you get in shipments you're better off not thinking about. Found a black widow nest in a bunch of grapes once. That was fun...
Oh boy the scorpion killed the spider! Some folks don't consider that funny or entertaining.

Seemed like a good idea at the time i reckon.
I know you you are into spiders I do apologize if i offended you.
I had a rose haired tarantula when i was in elementary school.
He sure loved june bugs and little mice.
We found the scorpion behind our fridge.
This happened hours after we got home from picking up some family friends.
They just got in from Arizona so he may have been a hitchhiker or he may have just been a Florida bark
I know this is on verge of being an old thread but thought I should point out that I'm pretty positive that is a male black widow which is relatively harmless to humans, unlike the adult female who can kill you.

however... I still would have killed that thing and looked around for his mate or more males so they don't start breeding like rabbits.