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hot-sauce Your fave Sriracha?

Okay I've only tried two. Right up until last month I always used the Hung Foy one, but I went to an Asian supermarket and they'd got a huge bottle of extra hot Foco Sriracha for a couple of dollars so of course I couldn't resist.

At first I wasn't impressed and wished that I'd got the old trustworthy one but it is growing on me. It is only a slightly different taste but I'm not sure if it's any hotter than my usual or not.

Any thoughts?
I can't intelligently comment since I have only tried Huy Fong, but that never stopped me before ;-) Love the stuff. I use it like I used to use ketchup. I always thought it was made from exotic Aisan chiles, but have learned that it is made in the good 'ol USA from jalapenos. I used to order the stuff online, but with the proliferation of Aisians and Mexicans in the US, you can get it at any local grocery store. Diversity is a good thing!

Okay I've only tried two. Right up until last month I always used the Hung Foy one, but I went to an Asian supermarket and they'd got a huge bottle of extra hot Foco Sriracha for a couple of dollars so of course I couldn't resist.

At first I wasn't impressed and wished that I'd got the old trustworthy one but it is growing on me. It is only a slightly different taste but I'm not sure if it's any hotter than my usual or not.

Any thoughts?
It's not available here, but a true friend in Thailand is sending me a box of it every now and then. absolutely awesome stuff! it is a ketchup replacement for me.
Yeah that's the one I got. It has grown on me but I think I'd still go for Huy Fong next time. Or maybe I'll try a different one. Hmmmmm.

I love it, but it's easy to overdo this stuff so that I regret it in the morning. I think it pairs best with simple foods like eggs or potato chips.
I really want to know where to find that in Australia (edit: huy fong that is). That and a whole pile of the milder mexican chilli sauces.
I'm not really into super strong sauces, I want to find ones that I can pour onto chips/eggs/sandwiches/sausages/noodles etc as a ketchup replacement (not that I pour on ketchup onto those things as I don't like ketchup, but that amount of sauce that would usually be applied to mix and fill the food evenly)
I've never tried SriRacha, only dodgy bad tasting generic asian chilli sauce. I want to try El Yuacteco, Valentina etc too

I love it, but it's easy to overdo this stuff so that I regret it in the morning. I think it pairs best with simple foods like eggs or potato chips.
I went to my local asian grocery store today and got this.
Well, local as in I know the place well and it was local to where I used to live, it used to be only 500 metres away, I used to be close to everything good :(
Unfortunately I'm ~10km away from this shop and everything else I liked for 15 years, right now, but don't know or like this area, so drove to where I knew everything was. Not far, but made me appreciate the area I lived in before where everything is close by.
Nice sauce. Thanks to everyone in this forum letting me know about huy fong.
And I really want to put it on everything.
Even my finger.
Mmmm my finger tastes good. Every time I go past the kitchen I give it another try. :crazy:
Love it, surprising it's made from jalapenos, it tastes hotter than that, maybe the vinegar gives it a little kick.
But it's just the stuff I'm looking for, way better than the bland horrible tasting generic local regular (non super hot) chilli sauces at normal supermarkets.
I had two toasted sandwiches today for breakfast at 6pm, with a fresh hot hab chilli in it, debated on whether or not to add this sauce as well, I should have...
It's Three Mountains' yellow Sriracha. made of some sort of yellow chiles. hotter than the red version and a little bit sweeter.
defiantly the one with the rooster on it had one or two others but always came back to this one great on ribs!!

thanks your friend Joe
I've tried both Huy Fong Foods' and Roland's Sriacha sauces. I liked them both; they're both similar, yet different. Which one I would want to use would depend simply on what food I'm about to eat.