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seeds Germinate

What ways are there to germinate seeds and what works best.
I have been just been putting in a small pot of seedling compost and in my heated propergater but im not having great success, not sure if it's me or the seeds but I'd like to try some other ways but not sure what else there is
There are many ways to germinate but the key is having the proper temperature(lots of threads you can check out different soils and ziploc/papertowel techniques) .I don't believe it matters how you do it or what meduim you use Maintaining the temps is key. :lol: And having good seeds helps too!
i think you need to provide water and warmth

it may also help if you also give them some TIME to do what they do

i have had some luck with putting them on the moist coffee filter in a

small plastic thingie with a snap on lid and putting them on a warm spot on the dish network DVR box

check to keep the filter paper moist and they seems to eventually pop :woohoo:

good growing

moon phase for planting comes december 3 and four this week; on your mark...

get set....

what has worked best for ME is, i fill a solo cup that has lots of holes in the bottom of it with sunshine growers mix#4 i plant 2 seeds in a hole in the middle of the soil and take a spray bottle and spray till the top 1" is damp, then i place them nest to the sliding glass window(door is closed to increase heat) and they get filtered sun all afternoon. you could also cover the cups with seran wrap to make a "greenhouse" effect but for me its taken 5-25 days but i get an above 80%germination rate. i tried heating mats, bags with damp paper towels and have had no luck. this just works for me.
how many seeds at a time are you starting?
i think you need to provide water and warmth

it may also help if you also give them some TIME to do what they do

i have had some luck with putting them on the moist coffee filter in a

small plastic thingie with a snap on lid and putting them on a warm spot on the dish network DVR box

check to keep the filter paper moist and they seems to eventually pop :woohoo:

good growing

moon phase for planting comes december 3 and four this week; on your mark...

get set....


This was the method I used last season and boy does it work well!!


I use a simple dome and heat mat from my garden center. I use peat pots filled with some soil, and I just stick seeds in the center, water till moist, and give it some water when its slightly brown. Seeds come as early as 2 weeks, but the slowest can take 2 months.

I've always started my seeds in seed starting mix in the same plastic packs they would be growing in, in the tray (the ones without drain holes) with a clear tray lid ("dome" I guess). I put them up close to my t12 fixtures and leave the lights on for 2 weeks straight. You don't need to water much other than a mist here and there if the lids are on. It has always worked quite well for me, but I'm looking for other ways...like purchasing heating pads rather than leaving the lights on. I've never got into starting seeds in zip lock bags with paper towels. Unfortunately, when you start them in the packs, you need to play god...starting extras, transplanting some and plucking others.

Naga jack, what temperature is your heated propagator? I was recently read another thread that explained the optimal temperature.
What ways are there to germinate seeds and what works best.
I have been just been putting in a small pot of seedling compost and in my heated propergater but im not having great success, not sure if it's me or the seeds but I'd like to try some other ways but not sure what else there is
Three common methods mentioned around here:

1) Put seeds in a seedling mix in small containers like you did. Keep warm and moist till it sprouts. Put under the lights.

2) Put seeds in a baggie or cup using a paper medium (coffee filter or paper towel). Keep warm and moist till germination. Transfer to a small container. Keep it warm and moist till it pops up. Put under the lights.

3) Put seed in a jiffy pellet. Keep warm and moist till it sprouts. Put under the lights.

Within those methods are variations and tricks. I used baggies / coffee filters a lot last year with great success. It really got my confidence up regarding seed viability and expected time frames. But eventually, I found it more fun and slightly less hassle to plant direct in a seedling mix. It was more entertaining seeing the first hooks coming out of the dirt than inside the baggie.

I may still use the baggie method as a pre-soak for a few days, as I do believe this is a speedy germination process.

Enjoy the method of your choice.... :cool: