Pure Evil samples - Sold Out!


eXtreme Business
EDIT- all these bottles are spoken for. There may be some that come on the market if people don't come through with their purchases. If you would like to be put on a back up list, please send me a PM. Thanks for everyones interest and feedback!

These are the last of the test batches of Pure Evil capsaicin drops. It's as hot (or hotter) than the final formulation of Pure Evil that is offered for sale on our website. Each 1/2 oz dropper bottle contains 3/4 gram of 15 million SHU capsaicin. There are about 350 drops per bottle.

The bottles of Pure Evil for the website are clear and will be sold in a small tin, they are priced at $19.99 on our website. These bottles are blue but have the same label as the regular bottles. This is the last chance to pick up some Pure Evil at a discounted price.

$12 per bottle for a 1/2 ounce dropper bottle
$10 for the one small bottle without a dropper
$25 for the 1.7 ounce refil bottles

USA shipping is included in these prices. International shipping is $2-4 more, HOWEVER, please send me a PM with where you want it shipped to so I can verify the rate to your country.

Quantity available, I'll try to keep this updated-
Updated- Feb 25, Sat am
All Gone!

We're going to do this a little different than the past sales. To save time and avoid confusion, please go to Paypal and "Send Money" to my email address- tchotsauce@methow.com

Put your name and mailing address in the comments box.

Pure Evil Capsaicin Drops are a food additive that adds heat to food without changing the flavor of the food. It does not have that nasty extract taste. It is made with 15 million SHU 95% pure capsaicin.



And for your viewing pleasure...see how much tedthefirebreathingidiot enjoyed the Pure Evil (NOT!). Also there are notes below about 16 mil-v-15 mil SHU-

And another one-

16 mil SHU capsaicin -vs- 15 mil SHU capsaicin?
100% pure capsaicin is rated at 16 million Scovile Heat Units, and while this is attainable in a lab, it is extremely expensive and is basically unrealistic to produce. The capsaicin we use is 95% pure. And even though 95% of 16,000,000 SHU is technically 15,200,000 SHU, that just takes up too much room on the label :lol:. So we're going with 15 million SHU in our descriptions. The bottles we sent out during the testing phase said "16 mil". Everything on the website and labels has been corrected to say "15 Mil".
The neighbor got his. Great fast service! Spicy rum&co's last night 2 drops to a glass for me, 4 each for him. Yummmmmmm
Thanks, Brian, glad he got it OK. Scovie brought over our collector bottle #11 last night. We tried some PE drops in wine. That was interesting......

HabaneroHeat81 tried some straight (5 drops I think?) and ended up in a world of hurt for a while.

Please, folks! Try a drop or two straight, but DO NOT do the 1/2 dropper or more like the people in the vids. Ted had done some straight before and had been using it in a lot of different things, so he sort of knew what to expect. But it still wiped him out.

you got it sicman!
If I weren't (still) unemployed, I'd be all over this deal! Cory_Huck shared a drop with me on a sliced pickle and it does as it says. Nice and hot, but without any change in flavor. I think I'd use it regularly for soups, stews, gumbos, and whatever else I could find.

Buy this, people! You won't be disappointed.
Thanks, Eephus. Get Cory_Huck to bust it out at your March get together. :cool:
The first few bottles hit the road today. Heat is on the way!
OMG Ted......what will we ever do with you.....bahahahahahaha! You are crazy man. If you have any kids....they will be born with a SHU rating.... :mouthonfire: SL love the PE, I haven't tried the new stuff that is hot even without heating it up in food. I am sure it is that much more amazing. Wheebz got his prize bottle. I bet he is giving it to customers he doesn't like....hehehehe. If there's any of the cheaper bottles left when I have some extra dough, I will gladly take one off your hands. But with how good this stuff is..I doubt there will be anything left lol.

Great stuff SL :cool: Keep it up!
Boxes in the mail already today for Emu, nmorris and a couple others~ You should get it by Thurs or Fri.
pm received, THANKS!
Hey I had fun with your product :-) can't say things can get Much hotter but I did enjoy the burn it produces lol
I know I need help

Sucks I'm about out lol
Awesome product

Thanks, Ted, glad you enjoyed it. Does your friend still have that other bottle? Maybe you can swap bottles with him when he's not looking. :lol:

I do have a couple 1.7 oz refill bottles still for sale. OH Yea! I got a call from some guy in Tennessee wanting some. Thanks for the referral!
I'm not gonna lie. I just peed myself a little looking at that picture.

If you need me, I'll be in the corner, trembling.

<<=== not a superhot guy

lol - the whole preamble Ted actually sounds a little scared. Then when he eats it it's like he got hit by a truck. The best part of the review is when he can't even talk - 1st review I've seen of his where there's been that long of an extended silence.

Ted you're insane.

SL/Ann - I may get some of that to drip into marinades - I can see how it could be very useful! :cheers: