All Right man, I started this....I gotta finish it.
FREE SEEDS CONTEST...."Name the next Worlds Hottest Pepper"
6 Big Winners will recieve 8 packs of FREE SEEDS from Pepper Joe's.
The Free seeds will be:
* Yellow Ghost
* Filius Blue
* Chicken Heart
* Purple Jalapeno
* EZ Gro Jalapeno
* Cayenne Blend
* Marglobe Tomato
* Mr. Stripey Tomato
($31 Value with S + H)
Plus we'll toss in a few surprises too.
One Grand Winner will ALSO get a Free "Volcano in a Box". ($50 Value with Shipping)
The 'Grand Winner' will have picked our #1 Choice for the name of the next Worlds Hottest.
"Volcano in a Box"
Here's the details:
6 Winners picked next you can still grow them this year if you want to.
I'll list the 6 winners right here...then just email me your mailing address. We'll ship them right out.
Winners based on originality, creativity and marketing potential.
I'll pick the 6 winners.
The names you already posted WILL be as many more as you want. (I've seen some awesome names already). Post as many times as you want.
The "Filius Blue" is a cool pepper that makes a great border plant too.
Hey Gang....have fun and Good Luck.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe

FREE SEEDS CONTEST...."Name the next Worlds Hottest Pepper"
6 Big Winners will recieve 8 packs of FREE SEEDS from Pepper Joe's.
The Free seeds will be:
* Yellow Ghost
* Filius Blue
* Chicken Heart
* Purple Jalapeno
* EZ Gro Jalapeno
* Cayenne Blend
* Marglobe Tomato
* Mr. Stripey Tomato
($31 Value with S + H)
Plus we'll toss in a few surprises too.
One Grand Winner will ALSO get a Free "Volcano in a Box". ($50 Value with Shipping)
The 'Grand Winner' will have picked our #1 Choice for the name of the next Worlds Hottest.

"Volcano in a Box"
Here's the details:
6 Winners picked next you can still grow them this year if you want to.
I'll list the 6 winners right here...then just email me your mailing address. We'll ship them right out.
Winners based on originality, creativity and marketing potential.
I'll pick the 6 winners.
The names you already posted WILL be as many more as you want. (I've seen some awesome names already). Post as many times as you want.
The "Filius Blue" is a cool pepper that makes a great border plant too.

Hey Gang....have fun and Good Luck.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe