Canadian Hot Pepper Growers

Welcome fellow Canucks, eh!


Thought I'd start a thread for all us up here in the Great White North who grow hot peppers. Obviously the colder climate makes growing hot peppers more of a challenge than in a southern climate, so special techniques and methods need to be used. Here's the place to talk about it!

I'm a beginner grower myself, and sadly I just had to make an unexpected move from Ottawa to Toronto and was forced to leave my little plants behind in the hands of family members. But I'm going to start again! Hopefully its not too late, and even if so, maybe I can rig up some sort of heated greenhouse-like structure by the end of the summer to keep my plants going.
I'm in Waterloo, so about an hour away. I'm not growing a whole lot, but I could probably throw a couple scotch bonnet plants and some cayenne your way if you really want to get something out there quick. I just started a bunch more seeds myself, hoping that its not too late. Their not huge, about a month old.
Hi I'm from Laval,Qc. Nice to meet you all! I'm a first time Bhut Jolokia Grower. They are about 2-3 inches now but i don't know in what king of soil/mix to transplant them. Any suggestions?
I'm 45 mins from the border and the climate is real close to yours.

That's true, Toronto and Southern Ontario climate is quite warm. But believe me, even 500km north the temperature changed significantly. When I left Ottawa last week it was -12 degrees and there was snow all over the place. When I arrived in Toronto there was no snow, and two days later is was 14 degrees and sunny outside. Big difference.
Hey salut :)!

pro mix ou miracle grow moisture control is very good!
if you plant them outside a good soil with addition of compost will do it !

Hahaha, salut a toi! So If I buy Promix BX and add some compost, the soil is gonna have enough nutrients for the bhuts? In what ratio? Do you add any chemical fertilizers? To be honnest I'm kind of scared of fertilizers like Miracle grow.... Maybe I'm wrong, I repeat, I'm a first time Jolokia Grower....
They are gonne be in 20 liters buckets, above ground. So I can move them if there is too much rain, or if it's too cold outside. Any suggestions?

they will be fine dude ;) as long as there is not too much bugs eating the plants or cold it will grow well!

you can add some fertiliser wont be a trouble if you follow instruction.
can also add some chicken manure (fumier) dont worry they will grow :)

they will just need sun love and water ;) hope they are already started cause we dont have the same conditions as our friends from the south.
Its getting spring like here near Ottawa. I left plants outside in the greenhouse last night without the woodstove going for the first time. We're at least 3 weeks ahead of usual but I'm still expecting a turn-around in weather. Until then I'll enjoy the over 20 Celcius for a week+ :)
@ hammerfall : Of course they are aleready started. 2nd pair of true leaves are starting to show up.... Today souds like a nice day to start to harden them off...(?) I bought today an all purpose fertilizer : liquid Growh-plant food-10-10-10 (azote-acide phosphorique-potasse soluble) Sounds any good?
Agree with Potawie re weather, I am pretty sure we "may" be in for a finally beating yet !
As for all you CDN enthusiasts and others too, listen carefully with your undived attention to whatever Potawie suggests. I've been quietly monitoring various posts and hands down our Potawie Land amigo is THE most knowledgable person on this forum in my opinion !!!
today i put outside my Biker Billy Jalapenos plants (5)
to give em a boost !
those are tough cookies so i dont worry that much.... just dont want bugs going in the plants... but that's nature.

i dont have any troublesome bug in the house yet so i hope i wont cought some early bugs that are hungry for green leaves ;)
I'm still at least a month away from even considering putting my plants out for the day, 2 months from leaving them out overnight.

If you want to grow super hots up north, familiarize yourself with the overwintering process early. Its the only way I've had any luck.
Or make yourself a good coldframe or greenhouse. My plants don't usually get planted until near July but if this year continues like last year, I may be able to plant a month early
Hey there i'm from Laval, QC, tried to have some bhuts but nothing came out :tear: ...

I currently have Bishops Crown's, Serrano Tampiqueno, Ari Bibi, Black Pearl, yellow Scotch Bonnets and orange Habs growing. :dance:

Still waiting for some Fatalli, Purple Cayenne, Chi Chien, Yellow Rocoto and Super Chili to come out.

Today is a great day for any Canadian to buy promix by the way :) rona has 15% off on any ONE product with a limit of 15 of that one product allowed :D

I'm still at least a month away from even considering putting my plants out for the day, 2 months from leaving them out overnight.

If you want to grow super hots up north, familiarize yourself with the overwintering process early. Its the only way I've had any luck.

Overwintering or starting the seeds early :) I started my Bhut's in january and they are a foot tall already!