Thanks Griff,
I'm tracking it ....
Expected Delivery By: June 14, 2012 Delivery Confirmation
I'm tracking it ....
Expected Delivery By: June 14, 2012 Delivery Confirmation
So i'm not on it anymore. I have alot of seed already. since i joined. Im not going to steal all of it. im only going to take a couple seed from the rarest in there. and only 2 or 3 seeds. but it's whatever.............Kinda bogus.
You saw that Shane? I changed it almost immediately. Lol.Big E says "isokation"Glad it wasn't me with the typo this time! Anyway...greenhouse, the boss said no, so maybe next time. No need to jump overboard its one train, and one no, nothing more. Hope you stick around and show everyone what you're made of on here then try again! Everyone else, time to chill a bit! Relax and remember its all in fun!
As for me...I got 4 pods on the plant I really wanted to share starting to ripen now...dunno if they'll make it in time to get them dried to include themoh well, I have a couple nice varieties I was already going to throw in there!
That is a Great idea King! I think I will have a delicious brewski as Mr. Miyagi suggests. Ok had to run to sev to get beer. Now thats what I'm talkin' bout! MMMM mr miyagi says.. chillax and have a beer ya'll.. shane... always feel free to send me the pods... ill deseed them.. and eat them.. and then send it to whereever its going .. lol...or you could tell us which pods they are... maybe send a couple of seeds to those that might have missed it.. btw shane your manzano has podded a couple finally.. as well as the yellow large...
can i get some bhuts and red habs since u have all of those since you dont eat themI have Moruga, bhut, butch t, devils tongue, holy mole, Charleston red, Lester Williams, 7 pot red, 7 pot white, orange hab, red hab, white hab, cayenne, and the list goes on. Like i ment it that way. And i told i have tasted a hot pepper a habenero. WHO CARES if i dont eat one. I'm not that stupid to put myself threw pain. And i have a weaker heat tolerance. But this has nothing to do with the train so whatever.
ha ha ha tyler... good one. And shame on noobs who came on, like poster #329 asking for seeds, got them, and will not return the favor.... I believe the line then was... "Looking for anything purple." Was there any return? Nope, just a "catch me later bro" when a seed request was made.
May I quote the share policy of the poster?Yet many have sent him seeds... So in other words... His share policy can be read as a fig buck you.
- Seeds Available For Trade
what you would find at HD or tradewinds