I have good news and sad news. The good news is that CF is
few days closer! Also This thread is a gas! I laugh every time
I check in. 'Jarred' is too funny - a new term I'll use often
On the odd end of things, 44

in our pepper patch last night. Brrrrrr.
Days still in 70's and 80's though at least for the next 10 days or so
if forecast holds true. C'mon, where are the ripening faeries, or elves
or even gnomes. I want to see some major color!
On the sad side, Richard's father passed away on 25 June, and his
mom had surgery, so Rich went to take care of his dad for the final
weeks. That set back his hiking trip a few weeks. I managed to
exchange a few PM's with him on his break at the halfway point of
his PCT journey, and he is thinking he will not finish the hike before
the NWCF happens and he is very bummed about that. He might
make it if there is injury or other reason to abandon the once-in-a-lifetime
chance to make this hike. In that case, I hope he doesn't show up,
cuz that will mean something bad might have happened. His daughter
Lindsey will join him for the completion of the trip to the Canadian border,
so I'm hoping he will indeed get the chance to complete his adventure
with her. So, I told him there would be copious toasts in his honor, and
to the successful completion of this awesome backpacking trip! He is
up for some mini-CF's in the coming months. He didn't want to share
this info on the forum because he didn't want to be a downer, which I
understand totally, but he said it was okay to share this with you all. Of
course, we know he wouldn't be thought of that way, at all, but he is
feeling pretty bad about missing this event and his annual Hatch, NM
trip, as well.
Here's to Richard and his family
I'll becoming up on Friday and bringing my gear. I don't want to impose
on Sharon if Rich isn't there. He wasn't sure if she would be in attendance,
or not. I can just throw my bag on the ground somewhere, and will be
happy to chip in on campsite cost. If it's not raining :shudder: I can sleep
out with pleasure as long as people don't step on me

I'm thinking I'll
be there in late afternoon sometime, maybe around 4-6 unless I get a wild
hair and leave early!
¡Viva NWCF! ¡Arriba, arriba!