how MUST you have your water

It's all good chsy83. Everything in moderation is always a good bet.
I have used Equal for years in my coffee and diet drinks because of my dentist's recommendation.
Diabetics don't have much of a choice either as the risk of Aspartame is far lower than the effects of sugar.
My mom used it for years and she lived till 83 years old so unless you are eating loads of the stuff I see no reason to be concerned.
We eat far worse things everyday in my opinion.
The people that I would be most concerned about using it would be young children and pregnant women. And women specifically, since it seems the most common bad effect assigned to aspartame use is ovarian cysts, but other more common effects are bladder irritation and carb cravings.
What I mean is if you are ok with a certain amount of risk, then go ahead. I just wouldn't recommend going "all out" with it, as some people that I know have, and use a ton of it b/c, hey, no calories. And I was only cautioning due to a temperature issue before.
The information that I have I did not just get it from "the Internet". I am willing to let this drop, but I did not take kindly to the shaking of head response of "some people believe everything that they read in the Internet."
To much water is bad for you, if go "all out", It can cause hyponatremia.
It's all good chsy83. Everything in moderation is always a good bet.
I have used Equal for years in my coffee and diet drinks because of my dentist's recommendation.
Diabetics don't have much of a choice either as the risk of Aspartame is far lower than the effects of sugar.
My mom used it for years and she lived till 83 years old so unless you are eating loads of the stuff I see no reason to be concerned.
We eat far worse things everyday in my opinion.
I have a relative that is contracted to work for a local company here that makes the syrup that you add to fountain machines and he talks with a guy that services these machines on a daily basis. What he has found was that all the metal fittings for the diet soda dispensers will basically rot and show premature wear.

Anywhoo, I like my water filtered through coffee grounds or Barley and hops.
The people that I would be most concerned about using it would be young children and pregnant women. And women specifically, since it seems the most common bad effect assigned to aspartame use is ovarian cysts, but other more common effects are bladder irritation and carb cravings.

I agree 110% my friend. Carb cravings have never been an issue with me really and even if they were I say so what. Carbs are not as evil as people think. ;)
Ovarian cysts are a proven side effect of aspartame? I would have to see real scientific data to back that up.

I have a relative that is contracted to work for a local company here that makes the syrup that you add to fountain machines and he talks with a guy that services these machines on a daily basis. What he has found was that all the metal fittings for the diet soda dispensers will basically rot and show premature wear.

Well luckily us humans do not have any metal fittings in our bodies. :lol:
They claim that regular coca-cola can clean toilets, etc. so I guess diet drinks are not any more dangerous in the scope of things. ;)
4 pages on water,AWESOME! ill drink water any way and usually get atleast a gallon in me everyday. prefer warm to cool alsoo its hard to keep it real cold in the middle of a pasture on a summer day,so hot water will still keep the fluids in me. however yall be drinking it remember just to help your body a non active person needs half a ounce of water per pound of your weight. so drink up peeps!

In actuality men need about a gallon of water per day if active and all drinks count in that gallon....water, coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol, even food which contributes about 20% of that water.
In actuality men need about a gallon of water per day if active and all drinks count in that gallon....water, coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol, even food which contributes about 20% of that water.
there is no way in this world that tea,soda ,alcohol,coffee hydrate your body like water does. thats just crazy.
there is no way in this world that tea,soda ,alcohol,coffee hydrate your body like water does. thats just crazy.
Beer and wine were the primery source of water throughout much of history. Alcohol kept the water safe to drink. Including on the Mayflower whiched dropped the pilgrams off at Mass instead of Vir because they were running out of ale. Can you imagine drinking stagnet water from a wood cask.
o.k.? still that doent mean them dudes were that hydrated,lol. so ill say it again there is no way in this world that tea,soda,alchol,coffee hydrate your body like water does. thats just crazy. i wouldnt have drank gray water either and i promise you dont have to preach to me about the importance of booze.
Nobody said the other fluids were as good as water but they do in fact hydrate.

Here is an excerpt from a book on weight lifting I am reading. The author knows what he's talking about and he is considered one of the leading authorities in this country on weight training and the nutrition involved.

One last consideration is which fluids count toward hydration. Many popular health practitioners and advocates will boldly state that only water and a few other “natural” beverages count toward hydration. They discount anything with caffeine or alcohol or even sugar as a viable rehydrating beverage. The statement has actually been made that “You wouldn’t wash your car with a diet soft drink – why would you use it for hydration?” Such an attitude demonstrates a misunderstanding of the mechanism by which water is absorbed from the gut: anything that contains water, even food high in water, counts toward water consumption. Water itself is the best rehydrating fluid since it can be taken up faster than commonly consumed commercial beverages (if that is actually a practical consideration in normal hydration situations), but every fluid consumed contributes. The water content of a 20-ounce diet cola counts toward hydration even though it contains caffeine and artificial sweeteners. A 20-ounce regular cola full of high-fructose corn syrup also counts even though it contains caffeine and sugar. Alcoholic beverages have been quite effective hydrating agents at various points in human history. Beer and wine, in more primitive times, were major rehydrating fluids necessary for survival, since they were safer than the available untreated water supply, as was the grog – rum mixed with water – of the British Navy in the eighteenth century. We are not proposing that soft drinks, beer, and wine should be staple components of the training diet, but honesty compels the consideration of the realities of the American lifestyle and how it may affect recovery. Aside from the question of their other benefits or detriments, moderate consumption of these beverages does in fact contribute to hydration.

Lewis Black nailed it on the head when he performed this. :rofl:
you said they were just as good. you said that they counted!
In actuality men need about a gallon of water per day if active and all drinks count in that gallon....water, coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol, even food which contributes about 20% of that water.
i really dont want to argue over water :rofl:
Alcohol and Coffee are both diarrhetics.

In survival mode they would work, but daily comsuption would end up dehydrating.

Sure, if you lived on them. Nobody is advocating that here though.
My point was that if you have a quart of soda, coffee etc per day then subtract that quart from your daily consumption of water and you only need three quarts of water not four. ;)

you said they were just as good. you said that they counted!
i really dont want to argue over water :rofl:

Saying they count does not mean they are just as good so don't put words into my mouth that I did not say.
Apparently you completely discounted the post I put from Mark Rippetoe's book. :rolleyes:
dude calm down ,lol. ill make sure i never put words in your mouth again? and first thing in the morning ill go buy everything mark sweettoe has ever wrote. :dance: :rofl:
It's all good chsy83. Everything in moderation is always a good bet.
I have used Equal for years in my coffee and diet drinks because of my dentist's recommendation.
Diabetics don't have much of a choice either as the risk of Aspartame is far lower than the effects of sugar.
My mom used it for years and she lived till 83 years old so unless you are eating loads of the stuff I see no reason to be concerned.
We eat far worse things everyday in my opinion.
Gawd. Turn on the lights. Stevia.