• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Here is the list so far:

7 pot Jonah (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot mystery (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot Red (Jamie/Romy pod)
7 pot yellow (Mgold/Matt pod)
Aji Lemon (Romy pod)
Assam (Mgold/Matt pod)
Barrackpore (Pepperlover)
Bhut Giant Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Peach (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Chocolate (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Hybrid (Jamie/Romy pod)
Brain Strain Yellow (DVFSTR/Dave pod)
ButchT (Dvfstr/Dave pod) and Mgold's (Pod)
CARDI Scorp Yellow (Jamie/Romy pod)
Choc Hab (PaulG pod) (Romy) (Matt/Mgold)
Datil (Jamie/Romy pod)
Dorset Naga (Jamie/Romy)
Douglah Red (Dfstr/Dave pod)
Douglah Hybrid (Jamie/Romy Pod)
Fatalli x Red Savina (Matt/Mgold pod)
Goats Weed (PaulG pod)
Habanero BLK (Matt/Mgold pod)
Moruga Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Naga Morich (Matt/Mgold pod)(DVFSTR/Dave pod) (Paul G I think)
Suave Red (NMSU) two seeds
Trinidad Scorp Yellow (Matt/Mgold pod)
Trinidad Perfume (Matt/Mgold pod)
Uba Tuba (NMSU) I only have two seeds
Zavory (Burpee) Two seeds

Seeds yet to purchase:

7 pot infinity
7 pot Primo
7 pot Brown
Black Cayman
Black Naga
Black Stinger
Cleo's Dragon
Malaysian Goronong
Moruga Scorp Yellow
Naga Viper
Red Savina
Safi Red
West Indian Red

Wish list:
Billy Boy Douglah
Sepia Serpent
I only got one Barrackpore too Pia, sorry to hear yours croaked. Maybe some pods will land on your doorstep later this season for that badboy...long way to go before I get there though.
What a great selection of plants Pia, most (if not all) of my Butch T`s died on me sadly?

I think you have seeds from just about every member of the forum. :party:


I sure do Mez. People have been super uber generous with helping me with seeds. Its incredible really.

Hahaha Damn Pia, you've got the fever itch. Everything's lookin' good. You need to make more videos. I'm going to listen to them like a lullaby (I've got trouble sleeping;hence the 330am post) you've got a beautifully soothing voice, I was nodding off! Lol the grow looks killer, so many awesome plants....there are so many crosses this year I can't believe it! Just in your list I think there are like 3-5 I've never heard of until now.

Keep it up Pia!

Thanks King. I am sooo excited about the crosses. I am going to try and isolate those plants so that they grow true. I have trouble sleeping and since I love to talk I will talk you to sleep anytime.

Nice start Pia,
Its worth it to find a good medium before you pot up the seedlings. Having a good start will give you a strong finish. Pro-Mix would be a good choice and it's fairly inexpensive.

My pot up will consist of some good soil. I think that is my biggest hangup right now. Plants are doing ok but I think I would see a lot more growth with some good soil.
I once heard that when the song came out that number was in use in a lot of different area codes. People who had the crappy luck of having that number had callers at all hours day and night, and a lot of people just asked for Jenny.
Great looking list of ones that already popped, Pia. And multiples at that! Good luck on the others and I hope you fare well in the current storm!




We are doing good Doc. I am sick of the weather in the Northeast tho. I am truly over it........ I'm moving in with Jamie and his fam.....
That's a pretty decent snow you've got there, Pia!

Your growlist is scary hot!!! I don't see anything of mine on there, but if you ever need seeds for something with lots of flavor, but less heat, let me know, and I can hook you up. :dance:
That doesn't look too bad, most of the snow must have missed you.

Yeah we got only like a foot and a half maybe. Boston and Connecticut were hit way harder. We started off with sleet/freezing rain so that took up a few inches.

Sorry to tell ya, I spent half the day at the beach, hope you warm up soon Pia ... honestly I just don't know how you guys do it.

Cruel and mean you are.

That's a pretty decent snow you've got there, Pia!

Your growlist is scary hot!!! I don't see anything of mine on there, but if you ever need seeds for something with lots of flavor, but less heat, let me know, and I can hook you up. :dance:

Hey Bonnie. I never got seeds from you and its a shame because every time I read your glog and read what has popped I say to myself that sounds like a delicious pepper or wow I never heard of that. We should absolutely do some seed swapping when I get my seed stock up some. Thanks B.

Looks like your weather is about perfect for plant out! :liar:

Plant out seems like a lifetime away right now
Hawt Dayum! You have hit the ground runnin', Pia! Those plants are looking strong, Strong, STRONG.

I had to go back and find this. It's too good not read over and over again for a new germ-er like myself. I nominate it for a Great Grow Advice for New Growers award. It's going in my e-scrapbook anyways

Maybe move the lights up just a little, but I think you're going to be ok with the suntan...the new growth on the plants doesn't look horrible. Coty drop happens...make sure you're not overwatering. If you're top watering with an organic type soil, a lot of the nutes and silt will wash through to the bottom making it a soggy mess down low but dry up top. Can add a bit of peat to your mix to help the moisture content even out. I think they'll be ok, weigh a container of dry soil and compare it to that of your plants. When the plants start to get close to the weight of the dry soil water them. Good luck lady.

shane is so fkin awesome. I cant tell you how valuable he is so ur right on any quote/advice he has. My babies dont look strong to me?!?!??! Maybe i am just being to critical and self defeatist. I didnt have a lot of seeds germinate from peppers I received and harvested the seeds. brains, 7 pots, assams, ect.ect., and I had two more barrackpores that sprouted that were semi healthy (like a baby fresh out the womb) that are now slightly under the weather. i think the situation has to do with my lights. I need a lower light cycle than is recommended for most here. I am literally frying my seedlings even tho my lights were set higher. I just dont have the right set up... i need two. one for seedlings one for set plants...... ugh