contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

I was wondering if Rich was going to get in to this.

Shane I guess I have to support you as a fellow San Diegan. If you need any fresh worm castings or compost let me know! I been working on it all winter.
Two of these babies popped the night before last then another this morning. That's 3 of 4 for this cell. I'm still pretty confident the other will show up tomorrow.


Of course this is a terrible cell phone pic with a filthy lens but there they are. Grow...... Grow...... GROW!!!!
mine took there sweet time to show their faces... idk about you guys but its taken 4 days for them to go from showing hooks to full upright cotyedons. im now wondering if scarification only allows them to shoot the roots out faster and not overall germination to cotyledons
Yup...keep them leggy and more importantly under nourished for the next month then add 2 cups each bone and blood meal to 1 quart water and give them a foliar feed and root drench while in their few hours of direct mid day sun...

Thanks for the advice! I also plan to give them a 50/50 water and vinegar mix on their next watering.
Thanks for the advice! I also plan to give them a 50/50 water and vinegar mix on their next watering.
Great advice! Only way to truly be able to "pick a peck of pickles peppers" but it only works well when the water/vinegar mix is heated to at least 190 degrees just prior to watering!

Finally have some signs of life...will be a bit yet before they stretch their cotys though...
I can't quite figure what is going on with the Locoto seeds, they have been treated the same way I treat all my seeds edges roughed and a 1% peroxide & water mix soak, I have about 20 seedlings up and growing and not one Locoto yet. I will keep watch, but it looks like they are going to take their time, they went into the soil on the 16th and not one greenie yet. I have 12 seeds in the soil one at least has to come up soon. :confused: