for-sale Socal Plants for Sale...

If any local growers need plants I have some extra and need to make room on my grow shelves for my are a few pics of how they look...




Not all pictured plants will be sold...Just showing what they look like. PM if your would be interested in taking a few off my hands. I have ornamentals, a few hots, and quite a few super hots. Price will be $10 for any in the 5x5" and $5 for the ones in the 2.5x2.5"
Local pickup only...
Here is the list of what I have to offer. 5" pots listed as L, 2.5" as S
Yellow Aji L 2 1, S 1
Explosive Ember S 3 2
Yellow 7 Pot L 1
Yellow Cardi Scorpion L 1
Yellow Billy Boy L 2
7 Pot Congo SR L 1, S 1
Romy6 Mystery Annuum L 1, S 1
Yellow Brain Strain L 1, S 1
7 Pot Monster Infinity S 1
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet S 1 sold
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon L 1
Trinidad Scorpion Morugah Blend L 2 1
Numex Centennial L 1, S 2
PI438638 L 2 1
Manzano S 3
Goat's Weed L 1
Fatalii S 2 1

PM or Post here if interested...
Is Texas local?
I suppose its all in how you define it Chewi!!! Weatherford to Poway...[background=rgb(235, 242, 252)]1,295 mi, 18 hours 25 mins...[/background]
If that is "local" by your standards come on by! :rofl: If you leave at noon I will be waiting for you when you show up at 6:30 tomorrow morning!
That's two tanks of fuel there and two back. Hmmmmmm my brother lives in Los Angeles, I'm thinking it is more "local". I'll tell him there may be some close by! Normal folks like peppers too right!
That's two tanks of fuel there and two back. Hmmmmmm my brother lives in Los Angeles, I'm thinking it is more "local". I'll tell him there may be some close by! Normal folks like peppers too right!
I work in LA Chewi...or Seal Beach to be more precise. If your bro wants some plants let me know and I'll do most of the driving for him! If you came out, I'd hand you some plants for free!
Any more takers? The ones that don't get sold will be sold in a yard sale next weekend. I will post up the addy here in case anyone want so stop by.