If any local growers need plants I have some extra and need to make room on my grow shelves for my keepers...here are a few pics of how they look...
Not all pictured plants will be sold...Just showing what they look like. PM if your would be interested in taking a few off my hands. I have ornamentals, a few hots, and quite a few super hots. Price will be $10 for any in the 5x5" and $5 for the ones in the 2.5x2.5"
Local pickup only...
Here is the list of what I have to offer. 5" pots listed as L, 2.5" as S
Yellow Aji L2 1, S 1
Explosive Ember S3 2
Yellow 7 Pot L 1
Yellow Cardi Scorpion L 1
Yellow Billy Boy L 2
7 Pot Congo SR L 1, S 1
Romy6 Mystery Annuum L 1,S 1
Yellow Brain Strain L 1, S 1
7 Pot Monster Infinity S 1
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet S 1 sold
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon L 1
Trinidad Scorpion Morugah Blend L2 1
Numex Centennial L 1, S 2
PI438638 L2 1
Manzano S 3
Goat's Weed L 1
Fatalii S2 1
PM or Post here if interested...

Not all pictured plants will be sold...Just showing what they look like. PM if your would be interested in taking a few off my hands. I have ornamentals, a few hots, and quite a few super hots. Price will be $10 for any in the 5x5" and $5 for the ones in the 2.5x2.5"
Local pickup only...
Here is the list of what I have to offer. 5" pots listed as L, 2.5" as S
Yellow Aji L
Explosive Ember S
Yellow 7 Pot L 1
Yellow Cardi Scorpion L 1
Yellow Billy Boy L 2
7 Pot Congo SR L 1, S 1
Romy6 Mystery Annuum L 1,
Yellow Brain Strain L 1, S 1
7 Pot Monster Infinity S 1
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon L 1
Trinidad Scorpion Morugah Blend L
Numex Centennial L 1, S 2
PI438638 L
Manzano S 3
Fatalii S
PM or Post here if interested...