Got your e-mail and thank you for answering.I`m currently growing EVERY SEED I HAVE.I`ve got over 2,000 plants going now.I`m tryin g to get a base of everyone who has helped me or i`ve sent seeds.Trying to stay loyal .I would @@@@ for a couple berebre seeds but i`m not trying that.I`ll be posting my 2010 fall seed list shortly and would like to have you in the easy.
Hey How`s it going?Real quick to all that have helped me or i`ve sent to.I`m a lazy basta@d and do not want to type a bunch of e-mail.My e-mail is`ve got my updated grow list -- seeds and plants to share with everyone .Have a great night and sorry to bother you. Rich
Hey would be glad to get help!Thanks a bunch for your answer!Really app it.I`ve got appx 2000 plants going .I am now finding out what seeds I had are shot.What I would love to find and pay backs this fall are:
bereber ! I luv etheopian food! spell check please
any JSB`s i`m not picky
I`ll post this weekend my current...
Hey Huntz- did some pm'n and got some info. The orange is a "fogo"(?) Don't know much about it yet, gonna dig around more. Gonna crash right now, but'll get ya a PM tomorrow evenin'!
None! I sent ya a few out of a bag of ten that was a bonus from a seed order. Planted two seeds here last year, none made it. Still have the leftovers, but the variety didn't make the cut this year. I'm allegedly downsizing this year.