It has been raining a lot, medditerranean climate gives me hot days and lot of rain during may. p.s i sprayed it with foliar feed that contains (N 10% CaO 15% MgO 2% B 0.05% Cu 0.04% Fe 0.05% Mn 0.1% Mo 0.001% Zn 0.02%) after i posted thread and by the morning it went away :)
Like I know this is so strange, soil was sterilized and i planted about 20 seeds i had like 12 sprouts and my cat destroyed all of them and this is only survivor, I have 2 3+year old reaper plants that are starting to grow now since temperature rised, this plant is not that important to me but...
I have always imagined pepper cloning process to be bit more demanding, like keeping the humidity levels and using root hormones and other things. I didn't know about this since I'm not experienced grower and this site is here for pepper growers to share their troubles and discoveries and for...
I had really strong winds last Sunday and it completely broke my white habanero plant. So I found youtube video describing particular pepper cloning method. It was just like put cutting into water bottle and pour some water and wait ( of course removing excess leaves and buds) I didn't believe...
I couldn't agree more, but still I felt obligated to warn and I want to help people as well, I didn't check but it would be nice if we had list of good seed sellers on ebay. Anyways yes I'll be glad to trade something :D And I will PM you when time comes ! :)
Few years ago I grew Hungarian hot wax peppers and they were really hot I saved seeds from few pods and next year no heat whatsoever, then I realized (they were not grown in pots but in ground next to my sweet bell peppers) it must be cross pollination with bell peppers. So this could be your...
and mister ajdrew are you really trying to say that I need 4 year of exp to warn someone about bad product ? damn. The reason I joined this forum is passion towards growing hot peppers, not rumoring. And don't worry I will take pictures to prove that I'm not some crazy kid who comes here to...
Well then someone explain me this. I received 30 seeds 27 sprouted gave away some to my friends and I kept about 5 'bhut jolokias' and they look like regular chili pepper. And I don't have reputation but please try to understand that I only want to do good deed. Fine maybe he got screwed when...