I did something kind of along these lines this year... Started two plants indoors identically, but when I planted them out put one in a fabric pot with good media and the other straight in the ground... The one in the pot I've already harvested 20 ripe pods from and have another 40-50 on it with...
Agreed... Especially because they're the only two plants I have that are so close I have trouble telling the peppers apart after they're picked... and they're in the same mix, watered by drip feeders when the rain is slacking, and right next to each other, so pretty much every factor is the...
interesting... I was gone for the weekend and picked these when I got back so they may have been a few days overripe. I guess it just presented differently than the other ones I've seen. I've had a few bells get sun burn/split and they had a round soft yellow spot where they'd gotten too much...
I finally had a fair amount of ripe habs to harvest yesterday and almost half of them on one plant have vertical soft spots/cuts in them. Most of them are just affecting the surface but some are all the way through the pepper. My first thought was some sort of pest, but the two plants (One west...
I would say be careful with this idea, as I've had more problems with sun scald ruining peppers (especially large ones or ones that took a long time to ripen) than I have with peppers not ripening. Anecdotally, I have noticed that the peppers seem to start ripening on the side where they receive...
I have a few pods with a similar poky spot on them as well, although only one spot instead of multiple like yours... Have you cut them open to see if there's anything on the inside like a seed growing through or something? I'm going to cut mine tonight and do some investigating.
I've been growing two plants in DWC since March and haven't cleaned out either reservoir once with no sign of algae or anything else. Doesn't algae need light to grow? So if your container is light proof you shouldn't have any issues.
Happy to finally have a harvest worth posting! This is my first year growing (anything) and I'm super happy to be getting ripening peppers on almost all my plants now. My mind is swimming with the possibilities!
I've already started freezing them as I harvest so it sounds like I'm on the right track with that. I'm toying with the idea of making a fermentation mash when I get enough so that I have it around and then can just throw it in to a sauce idea when one strikes me. I've only really gotten two...
So this is my first year growing peppers, and my primary motivation is to make my own hot sauces... I'm starting to get more and more ripe peppers, but the farther away I get from standard peppers that I can at least find a recipe to start from as a baseline the more I feel lost.
I made a...
The damage a small stick into the soil will cause is much less than the whole plant snapping from a light breeze like it looks like they're about to. A few damaged roots aren't going to cause any noticeable harm to the plant.
I'd be very interested to see what these peppers tasted like. So far the Fidalgo Roxa is my favorite of all the peppers I've gotten to try ripe, and as far as I know the CGN 21500 is supposed to be quite similar.
I've had a similar experience with two hydro plants I'm growing inside... both in the same closet under the same conditions. One is a Purple UFO and the other a Peter Pepper. The purple UFO has ~70 peppers on it right now and I've already harvested 7 or 8 ripe ones. The Peter Pepper has yet to...
You'll likely run out of space eventually but it'll take some time in soil. I have two plants growing in hydro in a ~8'x3' closet and there's definitely no room for a third plant after 4 months of growth.
As to your question about yield and longevity, as long as they're kept in good...
I guess I should have finalized my post with the clarification: If you want to use meat in your compost, I won't discourage you, and will likely experiment with it myself. Just saying that the "I cooked it so there aren't any pathogens present" argument is incorrect.