Recent content by BrooklynXpat

  1. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train Coheed's 2014 and Beyond Seed Train ***NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS FOR ROUND 3***

    Nice seeds everyone, i was actually most interested in chewi's non pepper related items :).   And the train is off to GA Growhead. The post office was PACKED today, guess everyone is trying to get out last minute holiday packages.   Tracking# 9114901123086265717582
  2. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train Coheed's 2014 and Beyond Seed Train ***NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS FOR ROUND 3***

    ETA is Thursday, like i mentioned earlier on i'll be out of state till late friday night, i will try to get it out Saturday and if not it will be out Monday no matter what.
  3. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train Atomic ghost train

    I also have to jump off the train, I have another on its way and by the time this gets to me I might be away for while and don't want to hold up the train. I also don't think I'll have much of a grow season next year as I have my own seed germinating and it falls almost on point with last frost...
  4. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train Coheed's 2014 and Beyond Seed Train ***NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS FOR ROUND 3***

    fun drama :)   As long as i get the package by next Tuesday, i will have it out the same day or next, traveling for work from wed-fri. I have my seeds ready to go and wont be taking much as i am unsure if i will have a grow season (or how big) next year due to some family additions falling right...
  5. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train Coheed's 2014 and Beyond Seed Train ***NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS FOR ROUND 3***

    Whats the status of the train? looks like it arrived at king's last friday - hopefully its on its way to Jamison soon.
  6. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

    It got delivered on wednesday and king contacted me on that day asking who was next on the train, so I assumed he was contacting next person for their address. Hopefully he will follow up here.
  7. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

    Alright, nice stuff on board. Added some different varieties ! Great job guys on whats in it - the package is bursting at its seams!   Tracking# 9114901123086265778200 and on its way to KingChile!
  8. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

    I just received the package as i was walking out the door, i will open the train tomorrow night and see what passengers are getting off at my station and boarding all new ones. The train will leave NY station and head west on monday to KingChile!
  9. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

    Choo Choo - got my passengers ready to board :P
  10. BrooklynXpat

    food 1st Attempt at Mustard

    Looks nice and chunky, care to share the recipe?
  11. BrooklynXpat

    seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

    Can't wait for the train to arrive. Just did another batch of seeds this weekend. Choo choo!
  12. BrooklynXpat

    BrooklynXpat's First Grow Season - 2013 - Pod harvest 8/16

    Not bad for first season, cant complain - got a few more peppers on the plan that i am hoping will ripen up. Most of my peppers went to the freezer since i only picked 1 or 2 at a time, i will make some sauces.   Life does go quickly - I really need to learn to appreciate it and not stress so...
  13. BrooklynXpat

    BrooklynXpat's First Grow Season - 2013 - Pod harvest 8/16

    Long awaited update, the season has definitely died down with my last harvest being about a week ago. Most plants are not producing anymore to the 40 degree weather we had the other night.   I haven't been able to keep up with the forums do to my company doing a whole change in organization, so...
  14. BrooklynXpat

    Operation Golden Garden 2014: Let's Get Started!

    Been a long time since i had time to catch up on your glog. Great updates and sorry to hear your recently dealing with allergies, its been a bad summer for them.   So jealous about your new 1911, or all your weapons for that matter. I seriously hate NY gun laws now that i was finally looking...