• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BrooklynXpat's First Grow Season - 2013 - Pod harvest 8/16

Hey THPers!

Just wanted to get my 2013 Grow Season off to a good start. I have begun doing some things and will try to backlog as much of what I did in the log here.

I built 3 4x6 Cedar Raised beds and have a handful of planters that I plan on using to get some more starts for the 2013 season. To fill my Raised beds I bought the following plants from CCN (Cross Country Nurseries in NJ) and have been babying them inside my house near a sliding door with good ambient light since its been real cold for the past 2 weeks.

7 Pot
Datil Sweet
Chocolate Hab
Jalapeno Jumbo
Marconi Golden
Thai Yellow

Non Peppers
Black Cherry Tomato
Cherokee Purple Tomato
San Marzano Redorta Tomato
Sunsugar Tomato
Black Beauty Eggplant
Cloud Nine

I began hardening them off this week and I think they are almost ready to get outside - monday is only day they say that will drop below 50 @night.

Getting delivery of my 3cu yards of 50/50 mix of organic compost and topsoil

After one of my raised beds was complete

After un-boxing the plants from CCN (ill start taking close-ups)

Repotting into 6" planters

I'm open to suggestions as far as spacing is concerned since i want to maximize my space as much as possible without hindering growth. As you can how my setup is currently for my beds. Dont mind all the dead grass - after Sandy - most things haven't come back yet or are completely dead :(

Thanks and hope to keep everyone updated with more info/pics as time goes on.
Devv said:
Sorry your season is winding down, but you had a good one!
Try not to work so hard, life goes by so quickly...geeze my older G-daughter will be driving soon...just crazy!
Mañana be Friday!
Not bad for first season, cant complain - got a few more peppers on the plan that i am hoping will ripen up. Most of my peppers went to the freezer since i only picked 1 or 2 at a time, i will make some sauces.
Life does go quickly - I really need to learn to appreciate it and not stress so much about work. Thanks for the kind words :P
Still waiting for paver guy to come and clear out some of the backyard so i can start figuring out the amount of garden space i will have. Next year will be interesting, news to come soon :)