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  • Great to hear that they got there mate! It was a little quicker than i thought too so yippy! Burn away :hell:
    It's 9:45pm and still warm and sticky. Weird, I live near the lake and it should feel cooler. I'm going to bed but will probably wake up and be here in the middle of the night.
    Yeah, this weather is great. This is the first time my plants has been hardened off in may!
    Couldn't resist posting that one on your wall;)good to hear the weather in sweden is so great this early in the year:cool:
    No, but it would be kind of sad if all the girls abandoned him when he realizes what they are good for;)

    I've seen that accordion kid before. Why spend time learning that?
    Nah but i can send another envelope :) I do fear however that i only have Douglahs at the moment, i made all my other dry pods into powder!
    Arboc actually found that clip with the G spot but didn't want to put it up on the board!

    Well it might have been a week late going out but your powders are finally on their way, better late than never :D
    Yes, I guess it's just that little thing called "life" :lol:

    I hope it's not too much grief you have on your plate atm! Unfortunately, as of late, way too many folks I know have been dealing with crap to some degree or another. :(

    I'm starting to think maybe I am spreading it! :shocked: :lol:
    Thanks bro, life was giving me a bit of grief there for a bit, but I think the worst is over (for now... lol).

    Hows are things on your end?
    Just have the Choc Habs to grind now, so you will get- Bonda x Fatalii x Yellow 7 x Yellow Congo (all mixed together) Barrackpore, Douglah, Scorpion, Naga and Choc Hab powder.
    I have some dried Douglahs i will try and get to you as well. Will do the habs tomorrow and find some baggies. All goes to plan should go out on Wednesday.
    1/2 kg of chicken breast
    1 can mango slices
    1 small onion
    1 clove of garlic
    1 hot pepper (i used Bonda Ma Jacque)
    1 teaspoon of chilli powder (i used a mix of scorpion, naga and douglah)

    Dice or strip chicken and then mash the can of mangos with the liquid in a pan. Add finely sliced onion and garlic.
    Add chicken when this is bubbling and contiue to simmer until the sauce is of a consistency that you like.

    When you think you have around ten minutes to go chuck some rice into boiling water and cook, i cook the brocoli in the microwave in a coffee mug with saran wrap covering it. Takes about one minute.

    Serve and enjoy, don't forget beer.
    Now it works - I couldn't even see this page before. Odd.

    So - how is your weather? +35C and just the right amount of rain? ;)
    Im as full as a fat ass politician after dinner. Mango chicken is yummy!
    Hey Captain!! how are you ??? i did end up getting the subaru (didnt notice your post as you posted it on your own wall!).. .picked it up on wednesday and its really cool :)

    hows everything going?
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