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  • Hey Captain!! how are you ??? i did end up getting the subaru (didnt notice your post as you posted it on your own wall!).. .picked it up on wednesday and its really cool :)

    hows everything going?
    I was under the impression the weather was crap in aussie land this time of
    the year...good to hear it's all it a subaru you decided to purchase?
    the weather has been suprisingly good! 31C today in the western suburbs.. I was thinking of pruning back the plants to get ready for winter but will prolly leave it a couple weeks yet.. I am drunk again too... i have another three days before i have to go back to work!! tomorrow will be recovering from another hangover and then chores.. boring.. but it must be done :) I'm sulking cause I was sposed to pick up my new car today and now it wont be ready till next week... booo.... :(
    NA, been busy doing other stuff like jerky, beer, moonshine :D Should get it done over the weekend as i was going to have my boys but now that my youngest has a broken leg they will be staying with their mother. I would love to send you some jerky as well but i can't see it getting through. The Barrackpore jerky is bloody hot, even a little bit gets you burning :mouthonfire:
    Long weekend here as we remember the fallen soldiers that have fought for our freedom. Lest we forget.
    Hey Captain!! I am very hung over this morning, but other than that doing well :) how are you going? loved the lady gaga parody :)
    Bloody flat out lately making jerky to take to Nimbin. I am going there with hippy at the end of the month, it's the annual POT FESTIVAL :D It's going to be a blast!
    Just give me your addy mate and i will send you some podz. :) Will the authorities there let them through ok?
    that squirrel was AWESOME!!! everybody was kung foo fighting... dododdooododdooo
    i've seen that one.. the fangs are removed from the snake, so it cant hurt the baby but still.. crazy!
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