Recent content by Chilli Chef

  1. Chilli Chef


    G'day from downunder :welcome:
  2. Chilli Chef

    Hello from Asheville

    G'day from downunder, :welcome:
  3. Chilli Chef


    G'day from downunder :welcome:
  4. Chilli Chef

    Hello from Maui

    :welcome: G'day from a fellow skier downunder, welcome aboard! :cheers:
  5. Chilli Chef

    Salsakid Says hi

    G'day SalsaKid from the Chilli Chef Downunder. It's really great to see a mom and son team here - BTW I love your mom's input, we could do a lot worse than taking her advice, and here's a free tip - be kind to your mom! Welcome aboard. :welcome:
  6. Chilli Chef

    Hi from Nipomo

    :welcome: from The Chilli Chef downunder. This site is chocka-block with great stuff! :dance:
  7. Chilli Chef

    G'day from Oz

    G'day from Pampoolah in NSW (mid north coast). I have just begun a commercial chilli farm with only 6 varieties and 3000 plants, and maybe eventually move up to maybe 10. I would like to chat with you about your experiences, particularly growing. You might like to check out my site...
  8. Chilli Chef

    Hello From Backwoods Blanchester Oh

    :welcome: from the Chilli Chef downunder
  9. Chilli Chef

    Hello from Miami,Fl

    :welcome: from The Chilli Chef - downunder
  10. Chilli Chef

    Hello from Michigan's Upper Peninsula

    G'day & :welcome: Are you anywhere near Traverse City, had a friend there once... Cherry Capital of the world I believe!
  11. Chilli Chef

    Hello from Alberta Canada

    :welcome: G'Day mate - welcome aboard CC
  12. Chilli Chef

    How to figure out a price point

    When I began researching my new venture (see I began with a business plan and budget. After calculating my TOTAL cost of production and ALL my overheads (including a salary for myself) I then took that total amount and multiplied it 3.5 and then divided it by the number of...
  13. Chilli Chef

    Hey there

    G'day from the Chef downunder! :welcome:
  14. Chilli Chef

    We Go Commercial

    G'day from Downunder, I am putting together a Chilli Farm and Farm Shop (also online), on the Mid North Coast of NSW Australia. Follow me as I start from nothing and build a processing plant to produce oils, salsas, sauces and relishes. Offer suggestions and even submit your recipes for testing...
  15. Chilli Chef

    Greeting from Sin City.

    G'day from Downunder.....