Recent content by DasBhut

  1. D

    Stress or optimum: what makes for hotter fruits

    probably the amount of sun/strength of sun they get, semi-shaded plants put out much weaker peppers even though they're the same size and the plants are about as healthy
  2. D

    Will Black Krim/Black Cherry tomatoes grow fine without a cage?

    my black krims, black cherry, frosted green doctors, and sun golds are all about 7-12 feet tall now
  3. D

    Just a bunch of HD pod pictures

    Barrackpore 7 pot, jay's peach ghost scorpion, chocolate bhut jolokia, albino bhut jolokia   en also my last two harvests, the brown ones are trinidad scorpions
  4. D

    Nemesis are back

    spray bottoms with neem oil/soap then throw diatomaceous earth everywhere on the plant   space your plants out to encourage spiders
  5. D

    More questions from a new guy.....(Picture update Week 9)

    if the pots hold more water just water them less
  6. D

    seeds-germination True Scotch Bonnet seed source?

    I got my chocolate scotch bonnet from Jim Duffy, they're the bottom 2
  7. D

    pruning-topping Topping Your Plants?

    Don't do it.
  8. D

    Hornworm hellions....

    get a bug zapper, the moths will die before they get to lay eggs
  9. D

    How did our forefathers ever grow anything?

    it was a sarcastic post inspired by "That's right, we'll eat bugs, eat weeds and redistribute the wealth.  God forbid anyone make a dastardly profit!  The UN knows what's right for us.  I mean, after all they are the ones who chose Khadafy's regime to chair the Human Rights division!  Sheesh!!  "
  10. D

    How did our forefathers ever grow anything?

    Monkey Hunter if a few billion have to starve for me to have my ground beef and chicken then so be it. As long as they can't do anything to me and I don't have to see them suffer then there's no problem. Out of sight out of mind.
  11. D

    Fish meal?

    blend up some fish and put it under your plants, it's cheaper/better
  12. D

    The official TOMATO thread

    going to be container growing some:   black krim chocolate striped   cherry green grape sun gold frosted green doctors any advice?
  13. D

    Trinadad Scorpion Question

    my chocolate scorpion plant got it's first pod july 10th, the pod stopped growing a week ago and it isn't showing any signs of ripening yet so maybe?