Recent content by Dragonpeppers

  1. Dragonpeppers

    seed-train 2024-2025 Mega Seed Train

    Train on its way! NJ Added the following varieties.
  2. Dragonpeppers

    seed-train 2024-2025 Mega Seed Train

    Train currently in NM. Will depart this weekend
  3. Dragonpeppers

    seed-train 2024-2025 Mega Seed Train

    Add me to the train if available! NM
  4. Dragonpeppers

    wanted Looking for Aji Chaparita

    Hello midwestchilehead, You have seeds of Aji Chaparita? What do you need in return? Thanks rick
  5. Dragonpeppers

    wanted Looking for Aji Chaparita

    Looking for seeds or pods
  6. Dragonpeppers

    wanted Looking for Aji Chaparita

    Anyone have Aji Chaparita for sale/trade?
  7. Dragonpeppers

    misc What's everyone growing in 2021

    I'm bringing back some old school peppers from the freezer 2013/2014 Hope there still viable? 2021 Apocolypse, Peach Bhut Neyde, Cherry Purple Jalapeño, Dragonpepper Jalapeño, TSM (mutant), Carolina Reaper, Primo, Ghost Blood, Brain Strain (mutant), NM 6-4
  8. Dragonpeppers

    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Tracking USPS # 9505 5066 8141 9360 2391 63 On the way to BD Beatz
  9. Dragonpeppers

    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    On the way to SIV Tracking # 9505 5066 8141 9347 2203 44
  10. Dragonpeppers

    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Sorry I got b train from BD BEATZ, your next SIV
  11. Dragonpeppers


    Waiting to see rhe next work schedule most likely saturday