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  • I am now FAMOUS! Woohoo! I'd like to thank all the little people who ate my microwave hot dogs and made me famous.
    Chile Juju
    Chile Juju
    You are welcome.

    Encore, Encore!!!!!!
    texas blues
    texas blues
    You're famous because people love you. I'd rather be notorious because they fear me.
    I have nothing witty and clever to say today so feel free to move along to someone else' status.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    What a loser. But I have nothing else to add to that and nothing to update in my status so I am even more of a loser.
    You're right. You are a loser.
    Over 95% of those surveyed believe that over 50% of all statistics are misleading.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    I'm in the other 5% that think not only are 50% of all surveys are misleading but also that 100% of all surveys are complete BS.
    34% of all statistics are 76% false
    I saw a survey the other day that said that TB and Sicman are 80% awesome. Not sure what to make of it.
    Preparing to lay the smackdown tomorrow in the throwdown...
    I'm fixin' to do that after going to the stoh. Cabinets and fridge are pretty bare right now.
    Get your swerve on Old Mother Hubbard! HA.
    I think I just tried to choke myself to death....
    To all future THP douchebags. If you are and a-hole and get banned, give it up. If you choose to come back under an alias, say your niece's account, you will be caught and banned again. However, if you continue to try to come back and get banned again, I believe the record is five times held by none other than the Great PMD!
    We'll head them off at the pass!? I hate that cliche!!!
    Sorry!!! Is that you PMD? Did you hack RTF' account?
    i want to be banned! please can my account just say banned and i can still use it/ lol.
    Yesterday while at a cookout, I got to check on a few of my babies. Seems my friends are taking really good care of them. I didn't get any pics since I didn't have my camera, but I did sample a Bhut and it was nice and big and hot. Had fun burning people up with it. The plants are huge, healthy, and loaded with pods.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Its sad really. I never get invited to cookouts anymore.
    NPDH? Sorry TB, if you were not 2000 miles away I would invite you every time.
    BBQ with some good friends today. I'm in charge of the food. The lineup: pit beef, chicken satay skewers, Asian shrimp skewers, more shrimps with SL's Tropical Sauce and Fatalii powder, veggie skewers, bbq chicken legs, corn, various salads. (My friend Amanda is making the sides, I don't have time for no stinkin salads!)
    Now that TB is getting his girlish figure back, I may take him back. Now cook me something good you sexy bitch!
    ... and guys like to think chicks are fickle!
    texas blues
    texas blues
    I put back on 5 pounds while in Austin. I'm a sexy slug right now.
    TB is such a prick. I mean I hate that guy. Going to Austin and then telling me he has no time for us today. Get to posting some pics of the awesome food and scenery already you bastige.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Bwahahahaha! TB lost 150 pounds. He dumped JayT!
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Funny. One time in Vegas I was pumping gas and Oprah's limo rolled up to me and she asked directions. "How do I get to 215?" I told her, "Lose 50 pounds."
    "The day we almost lost TB" good thing she was in a hurry.
    Time to make Scovie and SL's Texas Creek Crack wings.
    In the top five wing recipes I have ever had, and I have had hundreds.
    Seems like a good day to cook hot dogs...
    YMCA charity event coming up?
    I found some awesome locally made dogs. THey really are awesome and I simmered them in beer for an hour! I have been pickling myself all day. Tonight should be fun.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Cool! I get Applegate Farms.
    Some out of state Wal-Marts carry the sport peppers or I think you can get them thru Vienna bEEF. HTH.
    TB is now a rockstar? What the hell happened while I was gone? Free queso for everyone? Jeesh!
    I have lots of hot dogs! I wanna be a rockstar too!
    Your rockstar status will be reinstated after 6-1/2 consecutive days of posting.
    Only cuz I ain't got my free queso yet.
    Well, this will make day two then I guess.
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