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  • Oh, no, no.... I didn't even think of that business when I just made that comment. Yous was just talking throwdown and all.

    TB got the votes, he won.... that's how it's played, right?
    Just realized I had a message! :D

    It was getting a bit cool here the last few days but today it was pretty warm again. As for my plants? I'm ready to chuck the stupid things out! I'm still having issues with mites and the plants don't seem to be growing at all anymore. The only ones that are doing good are my mystery "junk-pot" ones... gotta love junk-pot plants!! I'm quite sure one is a Choc Hab but have no idea what the other one is.

    BTW, what's this throwdown scheming going on down below!? hey? hey? :P
    Unfortunately that choco pasta doesn't meet the rules criteria of 50% minimum pasta...nor have coinage in the pic....I'm not worried. Yours looks AWESOME mel!
    Hey Mel,

    I am really sorry if I am mis understood.
    If you want, I will explain to you what I actually meant by saying "RAPE ME"
    What I meant was, your reaction to a drink is faster than reaction of people who react to girl's invite to "rape her"

    May be it was not correct example.
    I am once again sorry If I have offended you.
    Sorry Mel,

    Just rub some cap on there and get it over and done with!! Those prawns you got look awesome tasty, me wants

    Posting on my own wall again, doh!
    Yeah heaps of leaves but it's wittle. I didn't use any in the curry! Just harvested some pods, probably about two kilos my kitchen bench is covered in them, now i gotta dry them out!
    Me mate paid for it this morning, he stayed here last night and was a bit under the weather so to speak, we were trashed..
    Hey hey! Cooked up a variation of your curry recipe last night, added a big ass Barrackpore and a big ass Yellow 7-pod to about half a kilo of lamb. Was cooking it for me and my mate ben, he said meh not hot enough so in goes a big fat ass Douglah! Was too frickin hot for me but he finished a bowl and then proceeded to bang his head against the wall, no shit he was smashing his head bwaahahahha, trying to get rid of the heat pain hahahahhaha, shoulda vidioed it but didn't was awesome. Wonder he didn't drop :hell: hehehehehhehhe
    Booked my skydive today. Not at picton though, i am doing it at Rutherford.
    14000 feet with a mate, it's his first time. April 10 cant wait!
    :confused: You funny! Have you been checked for mental instability lately? I have... :rofl:
    I is know how twoz dowdloadz tha gamz but no howz to copy demz to da discus
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