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  • I'm taking it easy. Good thing I don't have a demanding girlfriend - I might have killed myself, ha ha ha.
    Actaully could get a cheaper better one, about 8k cheaper prolly but more k's.
    It's going great. I'm starting to be restless because I can't do everything i want to do. For example - I wan't to shovel all the snow away from my patio so that I can sit there on sunny days and so it dries out fast, but that might not be a smart idea because the muscles in my belly the surgeons cut up isn't completelly healed yet...
    You think it's getting chilly? It's snowing here now... :cry: Hard to imagine that I'll probably start to bring the plants outside in 6-7 weeks... A lot of the snow has melted, but we still have about 70 cm good-for-nothing white stuff. It's so mushy you can't even ski on it!
    Don't turn on your heater, you will have to mortage your house to pay for the bill!
    Lucky you that can plant in the ground. It never gets warm enough here. BTW - chiles don't seem to like the midnight sun so I plan on bringing them all indoors during the night so that they get some rest in the darkness;) I'll look like a body builder come september, ha ha ha.
    Today I'm great, I even went for a walk in the sunshine today. It's a beautiful spring day and +10°C and the white snow makes it really bright. The plants in the windowsill just loves it and grows like crazy!
    The new place is a mess right now, but will be ready for moving in on monday. I hope, some of my plants are in desperate need of repotting and TLC but getting settled in the new place feels more important right now. I also need to get the tomato seeds in the dirt right about now...

    I'm feeling OK. Kind of at least;) After 18 days and nights at a hospital you feel like a king if you just get a normal bed and some real, home cooked food that isn't pre-chewed!
    Thanks Mel. Tomorrow i am 30. I get pushed at 3:30pm. I am going stoned lololololol
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