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  • Mel ,

    As I had written to gas, I am not a man to be defeated in my quest for pepper seeds.

    I intend getting them .

    Thanks for your good words.
    How's your health now?

    I have been trying to make her come around for the last 38 years but have failed.
    She always thinks I am lying.

    ( Have to meet her and arrange for the seeds by this month end)

    Not taking my wife along the next time.

    all is well except for my wife who doubts about my fidelity. Caught me talking to Manipuri girls in the shopping mall when I was requesting them for U-MOREOK seeds from their state.

    Head was alright this morning, i could have used a bit more sleep though. Now it's drankin time again!
    all is well Mel...getting ready to head out for a giggin' weekend....tonight Hondos on Main in Fredericksburg, tomorrow night the Luckenbach Dance Hall, and Saturday a wedding reception in Brenham, Texas...

    have a great weekend Mel...
    Hahhaha, i don't know about the lap. I bought it on ebay-yess ebay thats it... It starts up to a blank screen and all that shows is a cursor. I can move the cursor and thats it! boooo
    As if i would talk to a bank employee about my finances!! I hate fuckin banks. Not that i hate the people that work for them as much though. :lol:
    Pffft, back in the day i used to blow my pay on piss-blow-blowies. In that order.

    You think im scairt? hehehehhehee
    Glad you are back to your former self! I think.. :rofl:

    Speaking systematically from a fundamental point of view my fundamental facilities fail to bombasidat my personal philosiphies.. Bwahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Hey i made two different sauces today, both pineapple base. One has nothing but choc hab's and the other has barrackpore and bonda ma jacque. Me send you some cuz i can lol
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